userSamir Benouniscancel

81 Commits over 427 Days - 0.01cph!

6 Days Ago
Gas cylinder, radiator plunger and cap mesh and material asset updates
45 Days Ago
Plunger vert colour adjustment
48 Days Ago
Plunger and Small Pipe Set Mesh update
50 Days Ago
Tool/Constraint blockout meshes update and upload
50 Days Ago
Small PVC Pipe set trimsheet blockout
50 Days Ago
Frisbee blockout
51 Days Ago
Weapon case LOD adjustment and texture fix
51 Days Ago
Weapon Case and packing Foam texture/mesh update and material creation
52 Days Ago
Weapon_case Missile Case WIP texture asset, uploaded for world placement and decoration
55 Days Ago
Sandbox Tool assets csontraints UV'd meshes and initial setup of blockout/lps of the different constraints assets Howie concepted
2 Months Ago
Locker adjusted textures and LOD published
3 Months Ago
Locker assets
5 Months Ago
brickvent texture and material adjustment Merge branch 'main' of sbox-assets
5 Months Ago
brickvent decals texture update and adjustment
5 Months Ago
flashlight adjustments brickvent decal files
5 Months Ago
Flashlight and material stack asset updates
5 Months Ago
Flashlight asset scene implementation
5 Months Ago
construction material stack assets
6 Months Ago
Material stacks and weapon crate stack asset setups
6 Months Ago
weapon crate with dry grass, bodygroups, skins and setup for asset party
6 Months Ago
Weapon crate textures and mesh setup
6 Months Ago
Weapon crate texture update
6 Months Ago
weapon crate asset setup
7 Months Ago
Generator mesh normal fix
7 Months Ago
material stack and watertote update and addition
7 Months Ago
Larger plank stack addition and upload
7 Months Ago
van dev mesh update
7 Months Ago
generator, van interior and damaged van, bollard and watertote scale adjustment Added generator dev model interior to Van Damaged version of van in accordance with concept Water tote large version adjusted Bollard height to fit concept and grid
7 Months Ago
van blockout update interior and door
7 Months Ago
material stacks addition
7 Months Ago
material stack meshes Merge branch 'main' of sbox-assets
7 Months Ago
waste bin assets
7 Months Ago
smaller weapon crate asset updates
7 Months Ago
Smaller weapon crates
7 Months Ago
weapon crate dev assets
7 Months Ago
Vehicle scale adjustments and submission
7 Months Ago
pickup truck asset
7 Months Ago
truck collision fix
7 Months Ago
tyre scale fix and stack addition
7 Months Ago
Shipping container scale fix
7 Months Ago
Truck carriage additions mesh
7 Months Ago
Truck, Container, Tyre and tote Dev assets
7 Months Ago
dumpster dev meshes update and addition
7 Months Ago
Forklift and Dumpster blockouts
7 Months Ago
Small grenade scorchmark Merge branch 'main' of sbox-assets
8 Months Ago
swat vehicle dev
8 Months Ago
grenade scorchmark decal
8 Months Ago
vehicle dev meshes standard car addition
8 Months Ago
vehicle dev van
8 Months Ago
bollard and cone file check in