121 Commits over 153 Days - 0.03cph!
Fallback to team color when PlayerColors.Instance isn't present for now
Unique player colours, shown on radar, nameplates, and outline
Show dropped C4 on minimap when CTs spot it
Show planted c4 on the minimap when spotted, swap icon
Show enemy players on radar when seen (or recently seen)
Replace unique logic for player minimap markers
Draw radar/markers ontop of callouts
Make bombsite labels more clearly visible, fix sorting
Add minimap radar mode, used outside of scoreboard
Make the minimap bigger while the scoreboard is open
Clamp minimap coords, use better bbox projection for volumes
Fix spectating players not seeing sniper scope
Fix case where you couldn't spectate the remaining player
Always show map markers when there's no viewer
Prevent players from colliding with weapon pickups
Genericise minimap elements, add dropped c4 marker
T Status message when the bomb needs picking back up
Clear player velocity on teleport (can no longer jump thru respawns)
Fix autoplant obscuring other use key interactions
Basic defuse wire visuals, sync defuse progress bars properly
Make players crouch while planting
Make equipment overlay show again
Autoswitch to bomb when pressing use inside a bombsite
Show deaths from bomb on killfeed
Freeze players during match starting countdown
Fix hidden round timer showing, styling tweaks
Add progress bars to plant/defuse ui
Disable PreGame buy anywhere now teams/spawns are fixed
Reapply body visibility to clothes when changing outfits
Skip WeaponSlot.Undefined inventory bind
Fix GetPlayerName exception
Hide invis players on minimap
Slim down system chat messages
Use IPawn.IsPossessed for player marker display check instead
Don't spectate our own invisible pawn when joining mid game
We need to ragdoll on all clients actually
Add team join chat messages
Assign teams on join, fix players not facing spawnpoint rotation
Don't allow shooting corpses
Give bots fun names so I can tell them apart
Add third person camera mode (spectate only atm), cut to on death
Can't use IsSpectating inside Respawn because LifeState might not've synced yet
Disable spectate freecam by default (duh)
Fix invis missing from RenderExcludeTags
Show all player nameplates when spectating