userTony Fergusoncancel

302 Commits over 59 Days - 0.21cph!

3 Months Ago
Die if we dip below 1 health, ceil health on hud, resolves #73
3 Months Ago
Add scorch to explosions Reduced shell bounce sound range significantly
3 Months Ago
WorldModel/BaseCarryable doesn't define/implement backpack feature, instead send events on creation/destruction of WorldModel Add WeaponPlayerAttachment, can either attach a prefab (that'll get spawned) or a referenced GameObject in WorldModel's hierarchy Don't need these
3 Months Ago
Add component that plays only self collision sounds, add to bullet eject prefab
3 Months Ago
Get rid of the game / overlay render code in ViewModel because it's fucking up some of the guns (ones we're using mp5 anims for)
3 Months Ago
Fix RpgWeapon NRE
3 Months Ago
Use Application.IsDedicatedServer wherever we were using IsHeadless before Add CrossbowWeapon, CrossbowProjectile, needs some polish/improvements but is working Fixed renderer viewmodel logic
3 Months Ago
Shotgun: Alternate attack with higher damage per pellet, takes 2 bullets, has higher shoot dleay Fixed TakeAmmo not working with count param
3 Months Ago
Shotgun: Increase crosshair gap
3 Months Ago
Adjust shotgun punch and shake, don't eject 12 casings per shot Python: Add shoot delay only if we can shoot Automatically set render options for viewmodel renderers so we don't have to fuck around every time we make a weapon
3 Months Ago
Add Shotgun, incremental reloading, reload cancelling option
3 Months Ago
Add voices UI, tweaked voice transmitter properties to not be worldspace
3 Months Ago
Don't do effects if we're the server in many cases
3 Months Ago
Rat: if on ground, keep pitch at 0
3 Months Ago
Update item inventory slots to be more consistent (throwables in 5, special weapons in 4)
3 Months Ago
Rat: die after a set period of time (30s by default)
3 Months Ago
TriggerHurt: Look for a collider instead of RequireComponent Remove transform offset from map loader
3 Months Ago
Use our new map by default
3 Months Ago
Rat: give weapon a svg icon
3 Months Ago
Fix rat pickup item prefab reference
3 Months Ago
Rat: try to bite target if we're lunging and they're close enough
3 Months Ago
Rat: add grounded checks instead of arbitrary timing
3 Months Ago
Add rat weapon that throws a rat
3 Months Ago
Rat NPC (doesn't hurt the player yet) Rat cleanup
3 Months Ago
Add Projectile with common functionality, RpgProjectile derives from it Moved GaussWeapon into its respective folder BaseWeapon can check / take ammo from name (good for secondary attack) Give MP5 grenade launcher secondary attack RpgWeapon structure cleanup Mp5: Fixed not being able to secondary attack if we run out of primary ammo
3 Months Ago
Gauss: spin viewmodel's coil every time we consume a bit of ammo
3 Months Ago
Make gauss coil parent to a separate bone so we can rotate it later
3 Months Ago
Update Gauss model to use blockout Use correct model for Rpg item
3 Months Ago
Use correct network orphaning for Rpg projectile - if we host transfer, it should naturally become unguided and continue moving forward
3 Months Ago
Rpg projectile is created by the host Make the laser pointer for the Rpg visible for other clients Fix Rpg guided mode
3 Months Ago
HandGrenadeWeapon: use SwitchAway
3 Months Ago
Remove unused reloadTask from BaseCarryable
3 Months Ago
Uncomment now-working armour pickup code
3 Months Ago
Add Armour - when taking damage, take from armour first ChargeStation supports armour, add armour charge station prefab
3 Months Ago
Gauss: fix NRE if we shoot in a direction where a trace never hits Mp5: reduce punch/shake
3 Months Ago
Reverse mouse wheel inventory direction
3 Months Ago
Bespoke crosshair for Rpg
3 Months Ago
RpgWeapon -> BaseWeapon, doesn't use ShootEffects
3 Months Ago
Death notices - validate player, could've been killed and removed Add RPG, has unguided and guided modes Gauss: add ricochet to last trace Moved rpg pointer glow texture into project Update RPG icon
3 Months Ago
Gauss: add overload
3 Months Ago
Fixed explosion damage networking
3 Months Ago
Set correct network mode on charger, tweak netcode a bit
3 Months Ago
Gauss: Add penetration to charged shots, can configure max thickness
3 Months Ago
Gauss: add loads of screen punch when firing a charged shot
3 Months Ago
Add continuous shake whilst charging the gauss gun Gauss: Damage is evaluated on a curve based on charge power, drain ammo whilst charging until fully charged
3 Months Ago
Add Gauss Gun, missing ricochet, screenshake, charged damage bonus
3 Months Ago
Bespoke grenade crosshair
3 Months Ago
Don't play notice when topping up on grenades
3 Months Ago
Grenade supports consuming ammo
3 Months Ago
Set up throwable anims, defer deletion