userTony Fergusoncancel

836 Commits over 578 Days - 0.06cph!

25 Days Ago
Stub out player HUD setup, only enable hud gameobject if we're the local player
25 Days Ago
Made a few things on the PlayerController use RequireComponent so there's less setup
25 Days Ago
Refactor how viewmodels are made, to work in multiplayer
25 Days Ago
Fixed compile GameManager -> Game, removed some useless code Removed recoil pattern system (cool experiment, not something I want to use in practice) Use GameObject references in WeaponDataResource, instead of dumb hack from months ago Fixed weapon instantiation bugs
3 Months Ago
Align impact decals correctly instead of accounting for the 90 degree offset bug Fix error spam from sound emitter
3 Months Ago
API fixes
4 Months Ago
Better algorithm
4 Months Ago
Add an access point for the player controller to influence recoil
4 Months Ago
Cleanup, add horizontal and vertical spread ranges
4 Months Ago
Add loop points to recoil patterns
4 Months Ago
Update style of recoil pattern UI, draw line with all points
4 Months Ago
Use recoil pattern in RecoilFunction
4 Months Ago
Add editor for designing recoil patterns
4 Months Ago
Add basic recoil
4 Months Ago
Fixed not finding the ammo container
4 Months Ago
Move weapon functions into a separate gameobject on the weapon for organization
4 Months Ago
Further refactor
4 Months Ago
Refactor weapon abilities to be weapon functions, stats can be modified by weapon functions
4 Months Ago
Update camera animation code to use local bone transform, ty @aylaylay
4 Months Ago
Don't overcomplicate stats
4 Months Ago
Add weapon stats system baseline
4 Months Ago
Add test code for local bone transform
4 Months Ago
Port bullet trails code
4 Months Ago
Remove unused field from SoundEmitter
4 Months Ago
Style the menu a bit
4 Months Ago
Add main menu, default scene is main menu, add play button
4 Months Ago
Fix particle rotation
4 Months Ago
Add GameObject.PlaySound as a fire and forget way to play sounds on a gameobject (and have it follow the object)
4 Months Ago
Apply decal random rotation, spawn particles
4 Months Ago
Play bullet sounds
4 Months Ago
Bullshit reloading system for now
4 Months Ago
Add GameObject.DestroyAsync extension Add SurfaceComponent and GameObject.GetSurface extension method Prefab updates Get surface from weapon shoot trace, create impact effect gameobject from decal definition
4 Months Ago
Make player prefab
4 Months Ago
Use new particle for muzzle flash instead of legacy
4 Months Ago
Remove PlayerController.IsDucking
4 Months Ago
Maintain interpolated local position and rotation so we can just keep applying, add sliding state to vm
4 Months Ago
Apply local transform to viewmodel based on wish direction
4 Months Ago
Hook up slide anim and remove legacy stuff
4 Months Ago
Mechanics can override acceleration
4 Months Ago
Scale down wish input significantly while sliding Can't slide/crouch while sliding Expose HasAnTag accessor ViewModel move_groundspeed cleared if we have the slide tag
4 Months Ago
Fix NREs
4 Months Ago
Categorize base mechanic properties
4 Months Ago
Add Mechanic.ShouldBecomeaActive / Mechanic.ShouldBecomeInactive so mechanics can lock Add basic sliding mechanic
4 Months Ago
Mechanic.IsActive is set properly by holding a list of active mechanics between updates
4 Months Ago
Player controller input refactor, let mechanics interrupt input (sprint dampening left-right movement)
4 Months Ago
Refactor, mechanics have tags which are cleared every frame, move sprint to a mechanic Update DamageInfo
4 Months Ago
Work on getting camera bone animating for viewmodel
4 Months Ago
Block out player controller mechanics, eye height override, speed override, etc
4 Months Ago
Add muzzle flash prefab & util timed destroy component
4 Months Ago
Link weapon and its viewmodel properly, create some prefabs for the MP5