userTony Fergusoncancel

875 Commits over 639 Days - 0.06cph!

8 Months Ago
FOV offset is too much when aiming, reduce it Add GameEventSystem Temporarily turn off impact particles Don't show player marker if they're dead Implement hitmarkers Ricochet, object penetration
8 Months Ago
Add basic sway
8 Months Ago
Hook aim inertia values up for viewmodels (
8 Months Ago
Fixed MP5 irons Bind Slot3, add USP to default loadout
8 Months Ago
Use new M4 sound, don't render player marker if behind
8 Months Ago
Added Marker.IsOffScreen, Marker.IsBehind, Marker.ClampToScreen, screen safezone Added chevron that points towards the target while it's off screen (
8 Months Ago
Start framing out a hud marker system Don't display markers that are behind the player by default
8 Months Ago
Code cleanup, docs, hud adjustments
8 Months Ago
Implement M4A1 weapon
9 Months Ago
Add dynamic crosshair
9 Months Ago
Add helpers for inventory clearing/setup - reset player inventory and move to spawnpoint on Respawn
9 Months Ago
Slide mechanic takes into account ground normal, can't slide up slopes
9 Months Ago
Don't play footsteps if we're sliding Disable player body on death, enable it on respawn
9 Months Ago
Fall back to no hold type if we don't have a weapon out Add footstep component
9 Months Ago
New MP5 sounds
9 Months Ago
Add developer menu (
9 Months Ago
Add camera bob
9 Months Ago
Expose aim offset per aim function
9 Months Ago
Work on life states, depossess player on death, add pawn possession test
9 Months Ago
Made aiming a weapon function instead of being a bool on the player
9 Months Ago
Removed WeaponStatsResource, WeaponStats, useless complexity
9 Months Ago
Can't shoot gun if we have some tags Added TagBinder for being able to bind tags nice easily, get rid of extra tag container on weapon
9 Months Ago
Field of view programmatic adjustments, force two-handedness for viewmodels, weapon function tags
9 Months Ago
Fixed a few asset references Much faster FX decay time UI reflects entire inventory now. Add USP, fixed bug where all weapons would be active on startup
9 Months Ago
Fixed other player's HUD rendering always More robust method of weapon equip events Add PlayerInventory, can hold multiple weapons, and can holster current
9 Months Ago
Go from target GameObject's root downward for detecting IDamageables Add Weapon.UpdateRenderMode, to hide the world model when locally controlling a player
9 Months Ago
Simplify damage, make it less shit
9 Months Ago
Fixed case where the player might not have a weapon Create PlayerBody component, move weapon to hold bone when it's set to current
9 Months Ago
Organized some prefabs/resources
9 Months Ago
Can't aim while sprint/sliding ("no_aiming" mechanic tag)
9 Months Ago
Fixed HUD not showing
9 Months Ago
Add proxy update for mechanics, so we can grab tags for networked players, crouch/slide/etc sync'd this way
9 Months Ago
More work on networked players
9 Months Ago
Wrap player input around IsLocallyControlled
9 Months Ago
Code refactor, start working on pawn possession (so we can do networked spectators later)
9 Months Ago
.gitignore update, case sens changes
9 Months Ago
Adjust recoil system to be more sane Add some UI components back, start on ammo hud. Default map facepunch.prison Reflect real ammo counts, fixed MP5 ammo container
9 Months Ago
Fixes Fix input to work on the controller
9 Months Ago
Removed some bullshit files, compile fix
10 Months Ago
Stub out player HUD setup, only enable hud gameobject if we're the local player
10 Months Ago
Made a few things on the PlayerController use RequireComponent so there's less setup
10 Months Ago
Refactor how viewmodels are made, to work in multiplayer
10 Months Ago
Fixed compile GameManager -> Game, removed some useless code Removed recoil pattern system (cool experiment, not something I want to use in practice) Use GameObject references in WeaponDataResource, instead of dumb hack from months ago Fixed weapon instantiation bugs
1 Year Ago
Align impact decals correctly instead of accounting for the 90 degree offset bug Fix error spam from sound emitter
1 Year Ago
API fixes
1 Year Ago
Better algorithm
1 Year Ago
Add an access point for the player controller to influence recoil
1 Year Ago
Cleanup, add horizontal and vertical spread ranges
1 Year Ago
Add loop points to recoil patterns
1 Year Ago
Update style of recoil pattern UI, draw line with all points