userTony Fergusoncancel

782 Commits over 123 Days - 0.26cph!

3 Months Ago
Integrate death sounds, two/one enemy left sounds played to killing team
3 Months Ago
Recoil compliments spread now
3 Months Ago
Can cancel cook Adjust some throw code
3 Months Ago
Expose cook time properly
3 Months Ago
Grenades can be cooked
3 Months Ago
Crosshair velocity scale increased
3 Months Ago
Anarchists team colour adjusted to be less intense
3 Months Ago
Re-add impact effects
3 Months Ago
Fix crosshair nre
3 Months Ago
Set new default map
3 Months Ago
Crosshair detect friendlies, show cross
3 Months Ago
Gamepad support
3 Months Ago
Add radio input bind to chat
3 Months Ago
Restrict noclip to editor only
3 Months Ago
Get rid of 1 second delay when the round decides a winner, not sure if this'll cause any problems but it's much less awkward
3 Months Ago
Fixed final round of the first half round count being wrong Notify match point to all users Show the winning round on scoreboard if your team can win
3 Months Ago
Crosshair update, lines, distance based on velocity, spread, recoil
3 Months Ago
Would help if I actually pushed the fix :thumbsup: Add hidden radio sounds, play bomb defusing radio when CT tries to defuse bomb
3 Months Ago
Fixed planted c4 beep sound being missing
3 Months Ago
Added DefuseWinCondition, MaxRounds / 2 + 1
3 Months Ago
remove debug log
3 Months Ago
Fixed GameOverview style with game setup that doesn't have many rounds
3 Months Ago
Synchronize TimeUntilCannotBuy Add KillGameOnEnd rule to take everyone back to the menu when the game has ended
3 Months Ago
Added game rule for BuyZoneTime, so you can only buy for the first X seconds after a round starts
3 Months Ago
Add GameOverview, which shows blocks of all the rounds in a game and the half swap time (
3 Months Ago
Show a status text at the start of the last round of a half, informing players, fixed kill feed layout being screwed, start working on adding time remaining beep sounds
3 Months Ago
Show and warn users if they're trying to join an editor lobby
3 Months Ago
Remove unused stylesheet attributes More accurate lobby name instead of this crap I did
3 Months Ago
More work on settings page padding scss improvements
3 Months Ago
No idea how this compiled, I assume it's renaming [Broadcast]'d params
3 Months Ago
Add settings menu, can tweak mixer volumes, added radio volume mixer, send radios to that channel
3 Months Ago
Buy menu background is less intense Restructure menu a bit, added pause menu
3 Months Ago
Add radio spam prevention
3 Months Ago
Main menu improvements Chat messages can pass tags through to messages Add team radio sounds, press C to look for radio sounds, use slot buttons to nav
3 Months Ago
Save if we're searching or not in lobby list Update main menu
3 Months Ago
Remove penetration for now, keep ricochet Weapon functions cleanup
3 Months Ago
AimRay doesn't need this offset, should fix shooting through some walls
3 Months Ago
Add velocity-based weapon spread, code cleanup for shoot function Hook in damage falloff
3 Months Ago
Up the player's acceleration and friction to make movement feel less floaty
3 Months Ago
Menu is the default scene
3 Months Ago
First main menu iteration, can display lobbies and join them, or create them
3 Months Ago
Can't believe this happened again
3 Months Ago
Expose headshot multiplier for design
3 Months Ago
Couple of fixes
3 Months Ago
Add sounds to the buy menu when buying stuff
3 Months Ago
Speed penalty only applies to walking
3 Months Ago
Add Weapon.SpeedPenalty, hook it into movement
3 Months Ago
Upped the voice transmitter range and added lipsync target
3 Months Ago
Up grenade sound distances
3 Months Ago
SoundEmitter NRE fix ShootWeaponFunction NRE fix Fixed SpectateSystem NRE