933 Commits over 214 Days - 0.18cph!
Add Ping to ScoreboardRow BuildHash
Sprinting dampens side movement a lot
Categorize and name all the weapon components
Remove unused log
If !IsMultiplayer, create the player - useful for if steam is down for maintenance, or you just want to do singleplayer :thumbsup:
Added a bunch of stuff to apply viewpunch/screenshake to weapons when they shoot
Weapon components can apply offsets to the viewmodel, add manual offset
Temporary code ironsights for all the other guns
Expose more spread properties to be customized
Don't display editor lobbies in lobby list by default unless you're in the Editor yourself
Added land sound for jumps, separate sprint footstep sounds
Reduce spread when aiming
Reduce movement speed while aiming
Fixed buy sound not playing 2d
Add facepunch.libevents library
Use libevents for damage / kill events
Update module url
Post-merge fix
Expose spread scale, lower it by more than half
Don't allow sprinting unless you're moving
Add basic sprinting implementation
Added damage overlay to the HUD, will scale up based on how low your HP is - if your HP is low enough, will start pulsing
Revert "Don't re-enable the camera every single frame" - players becoming invis, gonna fix this properly in a sec
ui: Make dead players more distinct in PlayerAvatar
Don't re-enable the camera every single frame
Voice chat filter sends to spectators
Fixed base bullet spread not being hooked in
Swap scores around on team swap
Upped min player count for competitive, max rounds up to 30
Show gamemode title in scoreboard
Add separate 5v5 defuse gamemode for competitive rules, other one is just casual 10v10
Add damage taken post processing
Punish players for crouching too much
Turn occlusion for door sounds, door itself doesn't block sounds
Cap team sizes for defuse to 5
Track original owner of weapon, show it in the weapon row
Expose falloff curve for explosion damage
Fix headshot effects originating from the attacking player instead of the victim
EquipmentDropper can drop everything that isn't melee, and isn't part of the default loadout
No fall damage if noclipping
Restyled developer menu to categorize properly
Don't use blur on pause menu
Add drop shadow to crosshair elements, add game settings for dynamic crosshair, crosshair dot
Expose crosshair distance, length params
basic color editing for crosshair
Added dev command that'll drop the player's audio listener until they hit the button again, good for testing footsteps - adjusted soundscape volume
Expose ability to update footstep range globally, turn off occlusion on them
Bomb plant radio originates from the correct player
Add some debug logs to track down this player marker shit
Protect against NREs in a couple of places
Fix NRE spam when hud is disabled
Revert scope changes, shouldn't crash now
Add toggle viewmodel dev command