userTony Fergusoncancel

909 Commits over 245 Days - 0.15cph!

49 Days Ago
Turn off host migration
49 Days Ago
Fixed PlayArea causing a HealthComponent assert (we were calling this on non-host clients)
49 Days Ago
Fixed Marker NRE
49 Days Ago
Remove player friction stuff, derive from surfaces instead Fixed scoped weapons keeping aiming tag when ending scoped state Fixed "UseCrosshair" not doing anything, M700 doesn't have a crosshair once again Use equipment flags for aiming instead of half tags, half flags
49 Days Ago
Client.Kick functions as intended
49 Days Ago
Update m700 package Update .gitignore
49 Days Ago
PlayerState -> Client Use M700 with arms
49 Days Ago
Made improvements to MoveModeDefault so we're not struggling up ramps
2 Months Ago
Fixed player dropping under the map on death
2 Months Ago
StateMachine validity check in GameMode.StatusDisplay
2 Months Ago
Equipment validity check in AimWeaponComponent.OnIsAimingChanged
2 Months Ago
Couple of NRE fixes from reported exceptions
3 Months Ago
Better walk friction
3 Months Ago
Fix possible NRE in GameMode.Get Proper validity checks in RoundStateDisplay
3 Months Ago
Turn Retakes back on so we can test why its game loop gets stuck sometimes
3 Months Ago
Create Networking.config
3 Months Ago
Turn off collider object when we die
3 Months Ago
Fixed wonky net flags for kill/damage
3 Months Ago
Update to use new Rpc attributes
3 Months Ago
Reduce player outline width, only show killer outline if we're spectating
3 Months Ago
Update player to use PlayerController
4 Months Ago
Stop "active sound handle count" spam
4 Months Ago
Fixed references to human textures being broke
4 Months Ago
Color adjustments for camera
4 Months Ago
Proper validity checks in Chat, add PlayerPawn.GetZone<T> Component constraint Bomb-proof the bomb plant component Shouldn't need this redundant null check GameNetworkManager assert demoted to warning Crosshair camera validity fix ScreenShaker camera validity fix
4 Months Ago
ApplyThrowableAnimations NRE fix
4 Months Ago
Temp fix for fire, using facepunch.fire_particle_fast
4 Months Ago
Fixed headshot sound ranges
4 Months Ago
Fixed air-kill killfeed icon being always black, it should be the attacker color if not self
4 Months Ago
Add sync'd weapon flags so aim is properly networked, works properly when spectating other players
4 Months Ago
Add ScoreAttribute.ShowTeamOnly, make balance only show up for teammates
4 Months Ago
Up molotov's throw power to match the HE
4 Months Ago
Update grenade icons
4 Months Ago
Proper icons for USP-S and Bayonet
4 Months Ago
Refinery's too small to even need global fog
4 Months Ago
Add CrosshairType.Dot
4 Months Ago
Use legacy tonemapper for now
4 Months Ago
Save out C4 so we have its metadata
4 Months Ago
Attempt at ensuring RoundStateTeam avatars change when they should
4 Months Ago
Don't create tracer if the effect distance is low
4 Months Ago
Don't play zoom sound if ending zoom on drop when we're not zooming at all
4 Months Ago
Fixed not being able to hit E to pick up a weapon
4 Months Ago
Removed some unused props
4 Months Ago
Save some useful metadata in weapon prefabs so we can use it for dropped weapons, so we can use accurate bodygroups, model, bounds from the model renderer
4 Months Ago
No ammo state for Crosshair
4 Months Ago
Crosshair types, alpha interpolation Add Equipment.CrosshairType
4 Months Ago
Adjust Crosshair to show in thirdperson if we're locally controlled, or disappear if we're not locally controlled
4 Months Ago
Use Overlay for viewmodels
4 Months Ago
Fixed game status display flicking the time up repetitively
4 Months Ago
Fixed size inconsistency between round team display