userTony Fergusoncancel

901 Commits over 245 Days - 0.15cph!

7 Months Ago
Add settings menu, can tweak mixer volumes, added radio volume mixer, send radios to that channel
7 Months Ago
Buy menu background is less intense Restructure menu a bit, added pause menu
7 Months Ago
Add radio spam prevention
7 Months Ago
Main menu improvements Chat messages can pass tags through to messages Add team radio sounds, press C to look for radio sounds, use slot buttons to nav
7 Months Ago
Save if we're searching or not in lobby list Update main menu
7 Months Ago
Remove penetration for now, keep ricochet Weapon functions cleanup
7 Months Ago
AimRay doesn't need this offset, should fix shooting through some walls
7 Months Ago
Add velocity-based weapon spread, code cleanup for shoot function Hook in damage falloff
7 Months Ago
Up the player's acceleration and friction to make movement feel less floaty
7 Months Ago
Menu is the default scene
7 Months Ago
First main menu iteration, can display lobbies and join them, or create them
7 Months Ago
Can't believe this happened again
7 Months Ago
Expose headshot multiplier for design
7 Months Ago
Couple of fixes
7 Months Ago
Add sounds to the buy menu when buying stuff
7 Months Ago
Speed penalty only applies to walking
7 Months Ago
Add Weapon.SpeedPenalty, hook it into movement
7 Months Ago
Upped the voice transmitter range and added lipsync target
7 Months Ago
Up grenade sound distances
7 Months Ago
SoundEmitter NRE fix ShootWeaponFunction NRE fix Fixed SpectateSystem NRE
7 Months Ago
Turn off occlusion for gun shots
7 Months Ago
Give player noblockaudio tag, fix scope NREs
7 Months Ago
Fixed usp_sd references
7 Months Ago
Deploy sounds for guns
7 Months Ago
Fixed RoundStateDisplay error
7 Months Ago
Can't headshot with melee weapons
7 Months Ago
Assorted error fixes
7 Months Ago
Fixed w_usp reference?
7 Months Ago
Team chat is the default chat mode
7 Months Ago
Don't use grenade's rotation when spawning an explosion prefab
7 Months Ago
reduced text size of 'waiting for player's status text
7 Months Ago
Play radio sound for thrown grenades
7 Months Ago
Bug squashing - Fixed NREs in ScoreboardRow - Fixed another minimap NRE - Minimap NRE checks - SpectateSystem NRE fix
7 Months Ago
Adjust m700 hold position Stop running a bunch of player movement code for all remote players
7 Months Ago
PlayerRole style adjust
7 Months Ago
Remove MarkerFrame.Trace, replace it with MarkerFrame.MaxDistance, grenade markers fade out at a set distance
7 Months Ago
Add USP (SD) Adjust outline slightly
7 Months Ago
Fixed jank with grenade throwing
7 Months Ago
Further work on M700, balance pass, scope zoom NRE fixes, new sound Headshot damage is 2x instead of 1.5x
7 Months Ago
Make use of UseAnimGraph, removed Rigidbody from Player's body
7 Months Ago
Fixed another two possible errors
7 Months Ago
NRE fix in MeleeFunction
7 Months Ago
Fixed File not found (Marker.razor.scss)
7 Months Ago
Give everyone a defuse kit for now
7 Months Ago
OnPlayerKilled respects headshots, show headshot icon in kill feed Renamed teams, upped distance for all gun sounds
7 Months Ago
Moved kill feed
7 Months Ago
Camera marker fixes
7 Months Ago
Pass isHeadshot through damage events, crosshair reacts to kill shots, headshots
7 Months Ago
Removed code that was fucking weapon acquisition up (my bad)
7 Months Ago
Fixed bomb site A plant zone