898 Commits over 214 Days - 0.17cph!
Remove PlayerCameraOverrides, it's bullshit
Solve main menu equipment visibility
This code still sucks
Fixes - de_refinery compile day time!!!!!
Use LFS for .vpk's, migrate existing vpks to LFS
RMR toggles gasblock, fixed some logic to make this work
Add FPS mode, so you can see what the weapon looks like from first-person
Reset jiggle state when we swap from first-person to third, add toggle button to gunsmith, adjust angles
Disable arms now that gunsmith weapons just use the pure view model prefab
Gunsmith: Allow part selection instead of random from list, wip ui
Resetting bodygroup only applies to effected bodygroups
Add another optic, underbarrel configuration for M4
Support bodygroup attachments, add EligibleEquipment, IsUniversal
Right click to clear, edit jiggle bones to have configurable angular limits
Implement attachment point UI, button press selects a random eligible attachment
Gunsmith: display weapon from data
Configure a couple of attachment points, create prefabs for charms, fix FP charm vmat
Gunsmith: Camera controls, add charm resources
Start pushing some stubs / general data prep for the gunsmith
Add @RickGreeve's beautiful new incendiary grenade
Adjust bounds for circle charm
Charms testbed, swing script
Added charms assets
Update charms.scene
New layout for create lobby page
Add GameMode.AllUnique
Only grab map defs where they're enabled, really should make an accessor for this
Start restyling map/mode selection
Move DestroyBetweenRounds to GameLoop rules
Move sound emitter to a library, document it, add AutoStart prop
Bit more organization, create lib
Folder structure cleaned up, reorganized
Add utility to blur out the menu system's background, per-page
Improve settings entry UI
Add settings button to pause screen now that it's not on every single page
Start recording airshot and wallbang stats, including per-weapon
Map Voting: only show enabled maps
Create StatIncrementerHighestTeam.cs
Add TeamScoring.GetHighest()
Don't flush stats
Use highest team stat incrementer on defuse win
Stat incrementer for TDM as well, intentionally not set for other modes for now
Increment win stat when winning a defusal match
StatIncrementer can pass a gamemode-specific stat too, add GameMode.Ident
Removing some old defuse map files that we don't use, and I open it every single time when trying to open the real map.
Removed local grenade assets, replaced with cloud
ScoreFormat NRE fix
Some more NRE fixes from the errors page
Bandaid fix for A site floor that you can fall through
Split this out a bit better
Add Career page, show player and weapon stats all in one place