901 Commits over 245 Days - 0.15cph!
Add damping to lower body blendspaces
Set up look at chains, crouched movement
Update human_player animgraph to support movement and holdtypes
Broadcast between round cleanup event
Use DistanceSquared in marker panel Distance check
Fixed hitmarkers being wrongly applied, and recognize kill markers properly
Fixed spottable team being wrong on spawn
Clean up player states correctly, fixed FPS testing scene
defuse: Add TeamAssigner to Preparing stage
Fixed typo which was making weapons break between rounds
Don't show play area overlay if we're dead
Would help if I turned back on the other gamemodes
Fix defuse objects not spawning
Add play area to refinery map
Add basic notion of a play area, displays on hud if you're out of it, give you a bit of time to get back in, then kill the player
Add a bunch of spawn points to shipment map
Overhaul lobby creation page
Player marker will show for enemy players under certain circumstances, with minimal info
Fix voices showing up for disconnected players
Clear ragdolls at a sane time on cash grab too
Add gamerule for defining what we do with player ragdolls
Reduce base dry fire delay
Only use supported game modes in our map pool, instead of all of them
Update main menu scene
Temporary map selection system
Edit ladder volume on A Catwalk, it was too high
Exclude "player_clip" tag for bullet traces
Add PlayerLoadout, for persisting loadout choices through lives, defuse kit is there by default
Callouts are fine to have enabled, but they need to be static colliders
Start some cleanup
valid check FlashbangEffect OnDestroy
Use proper 0-1 input for move_bob instead of 0-100
Add some missing game setup components to fps_testing scene
Reduce gap between chat entries
Don't need move_groundspeed here
Ignore case where bullet trace distance would be zero (?)
Forget about the extra ironsights parameter, we're getting rid of it, push irons forward for USP (preference)
No need for manual offset for USP
Set up move_bob parameter
Removed annoying sprint footsteps, use regular footsteps but more range
Fixed anarchist team colour being too dark
New cash point spots and extracts
Fix minimap renderer nre in editor
Add slight jigglebone to mounted primary weapons
Fix possible marker NRE
Fix EquipmentOverlay NRE
Fixed CameraController NRE
Crosshair NRE fixes
Possible ViewModel NRE fix
Don't assign default life state
Revert changes to body visibility, was causing too many issues - need to rethink it