userTony Fergusoncancel

50 Commits over 336 Days - 0.01cph!

3 Months Ago
Remove RebindingPanel, should be using modal
7 Months Ago
Add input rebinding test
8 Months Ago
Input update
9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
Add worldinput scene and test
9 Months Ago
Change scene title/desc
9 Months Ago
Add input testing scene and hud
10 Months Ago
Sort out warnings
10 Months Ago
GameManager -> Game
11 Months Ago
Add hit reaction test
12 Months Ago
Use Input.AnalogLook and Input.AnalogMove in PlayerController
12 Months Ago
Update decals scene
1 Year Ago
Removed materials that are in sbox now
1 Year Ago
Render the main camera if we're not in play mode (not sure about this yet) Get lowest priority camera for player controller (so we're not trying to control the viewmodel camera) Update cameras.scene
1 Year Ago
Update to not use camera.Enabled
1 Year Ago
Add viewmodel camera test scene
1 Year Ago
More api fixes
1 Year Ago
Api update
1 Year Ago
Multiple scene cameras test (wip)
1 Year Ago
Update component template to match new API
1 Year Ago
Moved HeaderBar folder up one to remove Editor directory warning
1 Year Ago
Expose render/exclude tags to CameraComponent
1 Year Ago
Dirty envmap probes when changing skybox tint
1 Year Ago
Dump test code for envmaps/sykbox dirtying envmaps
1 Year Ago
Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8)
1 Year Ago
Make sure all our menu popups have a parent, make them stick to the screen their parent is on
1 Year Ago
ComponentList: Open menu on same screen as GameObjectInspector (sbox-scenestaging/issues/61)
1 Year Ago
Make PanelComponent partial (whoops)
1 Year Ago
Add some shorthand methods for PanelComponent
1 Year Ago
Keep selected object when starting play mode (sbox/issues/1340)
1 Year Ago
Fix possible NRE on startup from cookies (?)
1 Year Ago
Inspector remembers if components were minimized using a cookie (sbox/issues/1328)
1 Year Ago
Updated DecalComponent, also moved it out of the Light folder
1 Year Ago
Update DecalComponent to match new API
1 Year Ago
ComponentTypeSelector: add "New (x) Component..." option that creates component from query
1 Year Ago
Listen for addon config updates, update collision rules
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
Load collision rules from current game package
1 Year Ago
Putting updated DecalComponent content here so I don't lose it
1 Year Ago
Try to load last opened scene on startup
1 Year Ago
Add arrow navigation to component selector
1 Year Ago
Cleanup, docs, fixed search targeting the current selection - instead reset selection entirely
1 Year Ago
Rewrite component type selector to support selection categories, animated traversal
1 Year Ago
Show component header icon fallback
1 Year Ago
Add icon for sound listener
1 Year Ago
Can expand/shrink component sheets
1 Year Ago
Add SoundListenerComponent, test sound on Turret
1 Year Ago
Add DecalComponent.TintColor
1 Year Ago
Add DecalComponent - but needs a better way to translate decal, setting its transform doesn't work as expected
1 Year Ago
Add BaseComponent.GetComponent(s) accessors Enable MultiSelect on SceneTree TreeView