userTony Fergusoncancel

38 Commits over 336 Days - 0.00cph!

3 Months Ago
Remove RebindingPanel, should be using modal
7 Months Ago
Add input rebinding test
8 Months Ago
Input update
9 Months Ago
Add worldinput scene and test
9 Months Ago
Change scene title/desc
9 Months Ago
Add input testing scene and hud
10 Months Ago
Sort out warnings
10 Months Ago
GameManager -> Game
11 Months Ago
Add hit reaction test
12 Months Ago
Use Input.AnalogLook and Input.AnalogMove in PlayerController
12 Months Ago
Update decals scene
1 Year Ago
Removed materials that are in sbox now
1 Year Ago
Update component template to match new API
1 Year Ago
Moved HeaderBar folder up one to remove Editor directory warning
1 Year Ago
Expose render/exclude tags to CameraComponent
1 Year Ago
Added ability to create scripts from a template (sbox-scenestaging/issues/8)
1 Year Ago
Make sure all our menu popups have a parent, make them stick to the screen their parent is on
1 Year Ago
ComponentList: Open menu on same screen as GameObjectInspector (sbox-scenestaging/issues/61)
1 Year Ago
Make PanelComponent partial (whoops)
1 Year Ago
Add some shorthand methods for PanelComponent
1 Year Ago
Keep selected object when starting play mode (sbox/issues/1340)
1 Year Ago
Fix possible NRE on startup from cookies (?)
1 Year Ago
Inspector remembers if components were minimized using a cookie (sbox/issues/1328)
1 Year Ago
Updated DecalComponent, also moved it out of the Light folder
1 Year Ago
ComponentTypeSelector: add "New (x) Component..." option that creates component from query
1 Year Ago
Listen for addon config updates, update collision rules
1 Year Ago
Load collision rules from current game package
1 Year Ago
Try to load last opened scene on startup
1 Year Ago
Add arrow navigation to component selector
1 Year Ago
Cleanup, docs, fixed search targeting the current selection - instead reset selection entirely
1 Year Ago
Rewrite component type selector to support selection categories, animated traversal
1 Year Ago
Show component header icon fallback
1 Year Ago
Add icon for sound listener
1 Year Ago
Can expand/shrink component sheets
1 Year Ago
Add SoundListenerComponent, test sound on Turret
1 Year Ago
Add DecalComponent.TintColor
1 Year Ago
Add DecalComponent - but needs a better way to translate decal, setting its transform doesn't work as expected
1 Year Ago
Add BaseComponent.GetComponent(s) accessors Enable MultiSelect on SceneTree TreeView