672 Commits over 1,004 Days - 0.03cph!
Launcher: first draft for selecting addons for game configurations https://files.facepunch.com/devultj/1b1611b1/sbox_pbcF7SRE4R.mp4
Always record voice when in VR - we'll probably want an option for this in the future
Hitbox Tags (#562)
- Added Hitbox, Hitbox.HasTag, Hitbox.HasAllTags, Hitbox.HasAnyTags, Hitbox.GetName
- Added TraceResult.Hitbox, DamageInfo.Hitbox
- Obsoleted DamageInfo.HitboxIndex, DamageInfo.WithHitbox, ModelEntity.GetHitboxGroup
You'll have to update your code to get hitboxes to work again (headshots, etc) - check the wiki page @ https://wiki.facepunch.com/sbox/Hitboxes
Remove nullable from AssetList icon, fixed an error I was getting on editor launch
Re-enabled translucent screenspace effects
Cleaned up lobby rich presence, fixed presence not updating when lobby gets made, update documentation
Support `steam_player_group` rich presence for lobbies
Fixed MenuOverlay popup pointer events, fixes lobby invites being inaccessible
Made Global.IsDedicatedServer obsolete
Sandbox.Engine: Added Dedicated Server launch config
Fixed concommands being omitted when run through dedicated server console
Restored Asset.GetCompiledFile, fixes broken addon uploads
Deleting assets leaves the compiled file as junk currently. This will be fixed.
Asset.GetCompiledFile simply appends Source file with _c, mark as deleted when Delete is ran
AssetBrowser: Filter out marked for delete assets
AssetBrowser: Add "Delete Asset" option
Revert "Eliminate GameSettings convar & json stuff.. store and use it as is"
This reverts commit 85991377b0a33b6f16d197da3aa2af00b4516b06.
Eliminate GameSettings convar & json stuff.. store and use it as is
Update AddonProperty value on Blur
Moved AssetList "New Folder" down to be consistent with the asset list's tree context menu.
Add current directory shortcut to asset folder node context menu
Update asset browser when refreshing/making new folders, add Refresh option to folder context menu
Hide template list even if there's just one template. It'll be auto-selected anyway.
Hide project template list if there aren't any to use. Added a few comments.
Killed old C++ filter code, added Game.ShouldConnect
- Gutted out network filter code in favor of controlling incoming connections in C#.
- Commands removed: `banid, banip, removeip, writeid, writeip, listip, removeip, sv_filterban, sv_banid_enabled, sv_banid_dev_enabled, sv_logbans` - probably a few more too.
- Added `bool Game.ShouldConnect( long playerId )` - returning false here will reject the incoming connection before the client entity is created.
Only grab the server's replicated convar if we're clientside
Fixed replicated convars not saving the correct value
Fixed game window not being resizable when switching to windowed mode
Fixes #413
VR: Attempt to fix Index Controller joystick button input
Only assign and evaluate ConsoleSystem.Caller for console commands
Fixes convar assignment while game loop is starting up. Fixes sbox-issues/issues/2158 and paves way for @kurozael's lobby settings.
Fix project settings physics grabbing the wrong metadata
When disabling an addon, dispose of it in ServerAddons
Update ErrorList to display specific and nonspecific diagnostic counts
Add ScenePanel.ForceUpdate()
Closes sbox-issues/issues/2151
Obsolete CameraMode.DoFPoint, DoFBlurSize
Error list counters will consider the selected package
Fixes sbox-issues/issues/2146
Addon Switcher checks for OrdinalIgnoreCase
Add ScenePanel.DisablePostProcessing
Remove voice_scale, voice_threshold_delay, voice_threshold
Add ICodeEditor.OpenAddon, including a toolbar option to open the addon in your current code editor. This only supports VS Code right now.
Add Global.BackendTitle, BackendUrl, use those instead
Eliminated last instances of s&works ⚔️
AddonDownload spring cleaning
s&works -> asset.party for editor UI
Update organization creation link
Fixed up console textentry size
Reduced fog on the avatar scene a bit, added orbit distance lerp
Set default font size for base style textentry
Resolves sbox-issues#2094
Fixed "empty" pseudo-class being inverted
Fix filter for addon switcher
Don't set gamemode convar on launcher's SetActiveConfig
Fix "Assembly with same name is already loaded" caused by release mode compiling with non-unique assembly names. This is still the case when publishing to backend, and is intended
Fixed ErrorList margins, given more space for item text
Add Game Category to project settings
Update Templates ListView so the scrollbar isn't always showing
Add Control Modes to Project Settings
- Add Input page to project settings, set up ControlModes meta
- Use generated input tags in GameScreen/GameList
- Update WarningBox to support one-line widgets