
23 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Years Ago
wrapping up roof conditionals
4 Years Ago
fixes, prefab refactoring..
4 Years Ago
Re-arranged some prefabs structure around
4 Years Ago
Custom normals pass on models that required it Closed some holes in the metal tier roofs
4 Years Ago models and prefabs setup
4 Years Ago
assigning temporary prefab to triangle roof up top line
4 Years Ago
re-linking conditional prefabs - end
4 Years Ago
Padded walls (1mm) laterally to curb precision issues arising away from origin
4 Years Ago
batch prefabs setup end
4 Years Ago
Added LOD1 to triangle up side lines conditionals
4 Years Ago
batch prefabs setup
4 Years Ago
Removing unused triangle roof cases prefabs Adding named shell prefabs pre-setup for all tiers/cases
4 Years Ago
New roof conditional models - LODs/Colliders/Gibs
4 Years Ago
color corrected some atlases
4 Years Ago
removing unused roof ceiling meshes
4 Years Ago
Simplified roof models (2 meshes > 1 mesh) Updated roof.****.full prefabs accordingly
4 Years Ago
another re-export
4 Years Ago
re-exported models
4 Years Ago
shifted pivot on triangle roof pieces to the center
4 Years Ago
180 transform rotation on roof triangle up and cie
4 Years Ago
Transforms adjustments on set of greybox roof models