17 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Roadside monuments terrain blend map improvements
Set road mesh to LOD0 to have sufficient steps with terrain
river foam texture direction change
river mesh debug material
road mesh set not to import materials
added river foam texture, kinda work in progress
further tweaks to road mesh profile
removing unused road segments and unused folders for clarity
Edited material tiling ratios to work with the provided road mesh rather than agnostic ratios
Updated road mesh to be more accurate with respect to the new road textures (both road_a/road_b)
Aligned the road segment Z axis, rotated UVs 90 to be correct
same as hdrp but on ring_road
removing old textures (old runway/trail path textures and materials)
road_b textures and material tweaks
road_a redo
ringroad textures and material
deleting temporary road_b textures