
10 Commits over 212 Days - 0.00cph!

1 Year Ago
Cherry picking 87194 and 87196
1 Year Ago
2021.3.29f1 cherry picks (likely a good idea to delete this before merging from experimental the next time)
1 Year Ago
Server experimental-release upload files
1 Year Ago
Cherry picking 80466
2 Years Ago
m_ShowUnitySplashLogo false and m_SplashScreenOverlayOpacity 0 (should not matter if m_ShowUnitySplashScreen is false, but just to be sure)
2 Years Ago
Cherry picking 80342
2 Years Ago
Cherry picking 80313
2 Years Ago
Fixed native libraries not copying to the build output folder on the Mac build (has been working in old workspaces since the libraries still existed in the build output folder from previous builds)
2 Years Ago
Cherry picking 79535
2 Years Ago
Changeset 78935 + latest multithreaded networking