10,842 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.12cph!
Added missing Model component to grenade.f1.entity (leading to missing skin in third person)
█▇▉ █▊▊▆▊▅ ▅▄█ ▊▆▋▅▅▋▆▄▆█▉█ █▊█▅▋
▍▊▊█ ▇▊▅▄▇▋█▋▇▋▌▌█ ▉▍▌ ▍▍ ▉▄▌, █▄▍▌▌ ▍▆▅▄▉▄▇█▍ ▍▅▅ ▋▉▉▋█ ▍█▇▍ ▄▌ ▇▇▍▄▊▉▍ ▉▅▆ ▉▌▅ ▉▆▆▌ ▉▄▉▄▊▌▅▄▉ ▅▍▄▉█▌ ▌█▌▋ ▉▄▋ ▌▄▇▄▌▆▊▇▅ ▆▋
▇▌▉▋▊▅▌▇▅▉▄ ▅▋█ ▉▄▍ ▇▆▄▉▌▅▉▆▄▉ ▌█▌▊▊ ▆▊▍▍ ▅▊▅▄█▉▆ ▌▆ ▆▅▌▌▍▌ █▌▍██▋▄▉ ▉▊▍▍▆▍▇ ▍▅█▉▌▆ ▆▅▉▍▊▇▆▍▌▊▍█
Merge from indirect_instancing
Restoring ProjectSettings.asset
Merge from indirect_instancing
Merging .editorconfig from main/StandardCodeFormatting
█▆▇▊▍▉▇ ▍▉▊ ██▅ ▉▇ ▊▉.▊▋.▅
██▇▊▉█▄ ▇▊▅██▇▉▆▆▌▇ ▅▆ ▅▊▄▉▇ ▍▇█▇▄█
Fixed paddling pool water being invisible inside canyons
Script auto updates / compile fixes
manifest.json and packages-lock.json
Add ProjectSettings/MultiplayerManager.asset to SCM
Fixed above ground pool water being invisible inside canyons
▊▆▇▍▉ ▅▋▄▆ ▍█▆▅▌▋_▌▉▆█▋▄▋▋▅_▌
▆▄▉▍▋ ▌▋▊▋▌▋▆▉ ▊▉▉▆▆▅▌▋▍ ▇▇ ▍▍▇▋▋▇▋▆▌▌▊▊▊▆▋▅▌▉▌▄
cave_small_hard terrain anchor fixes
cave_medium_hard terrain anchor tweaks to prevent it spawning too close to river
All paths (road / rail / powerline) avoid mountain topology
Added radius check to SpawnHandler.CharDistribution
Added second river back to 3500 size maps (removing it didn't help monuments)
Removed lake and oasis from 3500 size maps
Only spawn 1 river on maps <= 3500
Only spawn 2 rivers on maps <= 4000
Added BuildOptions.CleanBuildCache back to our build options (removed this previously to reduce build time, test if this fixes our random build issues)
TerrainSplatRemove skips mountain topology to avoid messing with canyon splats
Merge from world_update_2
Merge from world_update_2
Another attempt to incraese ocean render margin under terrain to prevent shore wetness from being cut off in certain edge cases
Added larger radius terrain filter to avoid rivers to ice sheets
cave_large_medium terrain check fixes
Added second ocean topology pass after all cliffs have been spawned
Changed river splat from stones to gravel
Only spawn 1 oasis on maps smaller than 4000
Don't spawn any canyons on maps smaller than 4000
Spawn 2 canyons on maps larger than or equal to 5000
105196 (shore margin increase) due to several regressions
Merge from world_update_2
Various fixes for ProceduralMapEmpty, ProceduralMapRailSimple and ProceduralMapRoadSimple test maps
Increase ocean render margin under terrain to prevent shore wetness from being cut off in certain edge cases
Adjusted cave terrain checks to enforce slightly more padding between the terrain surface and the caves (attempt to fix new cliffs sometimes reaching into caves)