
7 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
Merge from main
5 Years Ago
▍▅▊▊▄▌▆▅ ▌▄▌▊.█▌▊▌▇▉█ ▌▋ ▊▌▅▇█▅▋ (▍▊█▆ ▆▇█▉ ▌▆▆ ▄▇▌▅▄ █▊▅ ▋▇▄)
5 Years Ago
Cherry picking 52019
5 Years Ago
Added PositionLerp.Snapshot method without serverTime (can be used to inject fake positions on the client before any server positions have been received)
5 Years Ago
Added InvokeHandlerFixedTime (uses Time.fixedTime instead of Time.time) Added PositionTickFixedTime override to BaseEntity (sends network update right after FixedUpdate if true)
5 Years Ago
Added interpolation inertia (start with 0 interpolation delay for immediate movement with no delay, then ramp it up over the inertia time)