
12 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

4 Years Ago
Disable sibling constraints when stiffness is disabled (depth < stiffnessDepth) so cloth hangs loose on arms
4 Years Ago
Push bones out on spawn (fixes spawning clipped) Some more optimization Add an option to disable shape keeping below a certain bone depth
4 Years Ago
Limit the number of cloth instances that can run per frame
4 Years Ago
Increase collision radius
4 Years Ago
Fix player preview not showing cloth
4 Years Ago
Fix broken cloth on ragdolls
4 Years Ago
Remove bone position rewriting because we snapshot the default pose correctly now
4 Years Ago
Add dead zone extent parameter
4 Years Ago
Allow the inspector to edit things without hitting the cache
4 Years Ago
Delete test resources
4 Years Ago
Disable LOD0 completely when at a decent distance
4 Years Ago
Probably fix cloth component removal errors on server