
7 Commits over 31 Days - 0.01cph!

8 Months Ago
ZNear: 1
9 Months Ago
Reverse weapon selection rows, stick to bottom-ish, always show active weapon name
9 Months Ago
No need for a glyph telling me how to shoot on the screen at all times Don't allow buying the exact same weapon, but can still buy one of the same slot If cant buy weapon, dont take cash Disable pointer-events on owned guns in the buy menu
9 Months Ago
Which naughty boy lowered UseDistance
9 Months Ago
Use pressed not down, increase use distance from 50 to 72 Doors: Adjustable pivot, angle, speed, curve, opens away from player, plays sounds, etc.. Probably doesn't network properly
9 Months Ago
actual formatting in .editorconfig
9 Months Ago
40% faster walk speed