
1,563 Commits over 1,247 Days - 0.05cph!

3 Years Ago
Store VROverlays with WeakRef, sort out IDisposable to delete VROverlayPanel.RootPanel VROverlay input system for UI using input data from OpenVR Handle scroll events on vr overlays, turn it into InputData for UI Make vr controllers scroll UI the right way and consume the delta after it's used VR mainmenu, split out the lobby bar into a seperate offset overlay
3 Years Ago
VROverlay: handle key management automatically internally Add VROverlayPanel<T> where T : RootPanel, acts like a normal VROverlay but automatically renders UI to it Render VR menu from menu addon using VROverlayPanel, render in 4K so it doesn't look shit
3 Years Ago
OpenVR update 1.10.20 -> 1.16.8, resolve deprecated crap Add internal managed code bindings for OpenVR interfaces to Sandbox.Engine VROverlay class in managed with rendering props and render update loop Basic VROverlay in Sandbox.Menu with a render target texture of the menu UI - probably a shit place for it but can be moved easily. Iterate on VROverlay API, make the coordinate system match engine, poll events and simulate input in the menu.
3 Years Ago
Fix Event.Hotload not calling on the server, fixes network tables not updating on hotload and probably other shit
3 Years Ago
Basic VROverlay in Sandbox.Menu with a render target texture of the menu UI - probably a shit place for it but can be moved easily.
3 Years Ago
OpenVR update 1.10.20 -> 1.16.8, resolve deprecated crap Add internal managed code bindings for OpenVR interfaces to Sandbox.Engine VROverlay class in managed with rendering props and render update loop
3 Years Ago
Make sure we update our GameAssembly hash on initial load, fixes all networking errors
3 Years Ago
Make non public and inherited methods register for events again
3 Years Ago
fix build log discord post on long message commits
3 Years Ago
Ensure resident model resources get added to the manifest, fixes error models from missing resources in manifest. This would specifically happen if a server starts a game / map a second time, the resources would remain resident, so when a client does their initial join these models are missing from the manifest resulting in an error. If the client had previously joined on the first time their resources would already be resident and not error. Simplest way to do it, rather then change (and slow down) how the rest of the resource system works. If a resource we try to preload returns an error handle, don't keep the handle alive. Map resources specifically will become valid and load automatically after this.
3 Years Ago
Change WorldInput API to instances to resolve issues and allow simultaneous inputs. * Replace WorldInput.Update with instanced WorldInput fixing hovering and clicking issues as well as allowing simultaneous inputs. * Resolved various issues with WorldPanel.RayToLocalPosition not using the right axis, being inverted and not scaling. * Simulate double click and mousemove events for world inputs. * Fix right clicks not working on WorldInput.
3 Years Ago
Fix missing game lobby settings
3 Years Ago
Fix world panel input by changing WorldInput.Update to [Event.WorldInput.Build] called from the input system. WorldPanel.RayToLocalPosition: fix wrong local position being used for inside checks Simulate right (and middle) mouse button properly in world panel input. Iterate on WorldInput, allow multiple simulated inputs at the same time by migrating state to games Fix inverted x pos and lack of world scale awareness in WorldPanel ray to local code Use WeakReferences of WorldInputs to iterate, gives addon state full ownership and lets GC work nicely. Clear WorldInput reference list on LoopEvent.Init/Shutdown Expose and doc more on WorldInput public class; UseMouseInput allows nice usage with Input.Cursor rays Simulate ondoubleclick & onmousemove events, add WorldInput.Enabled for toggling easily, tidy and refactor UISystem a bit fix potential NREs, small optimizations.
3 Years Ago
Allow RootPanel.Parent = null though
3 Years Ago
Throw if trying to set RootPanel.Parent Fix a couple of NREs preventing -dedicated from working
3 Years Ago
Expose and doc more on WorldInput public class; UseMouseInput allows nice usage with Input.Cursor rays
3 Years Ago
Fix world panel input by changing WorldInput.Update to [Event.WorldInput.Build] called from the input system. WorldPanel.RayToLocalPosition: fix wrong local position being used for inside checks Simulate right (and middle) mouse button properly in world panel input. Iterate on WorldInput, allow multiple simulated inputs at the same time by migrating state to games Fix inverted x pos and lack of world scale awareness in WorldPanel ray to local code Use WeakReferences of WorldInputs to iterate, gives addon state full ownership and lets GC work nicely. Clear WorldInput reference list on LoopEvent.Init/Shutdown
3 Years Ago
SetProperty fallback on [Property] attributes, fixes map entities not working from having their properties not set
3 Years Ago
Generator error if you try to [Net] a static property INetworkSerializer.Read: use ref of NetRead NetWrite.Write don't try to blindly write ref or containing ref types
3 Years Ago
Fix world panel input by changing WorldInput.Update to [Event.WorldInput.Build] called from the input system. WorldPanel.RayToLocalPosition: fix wrong local position being used for inside checks Simulate right (and middle) mouse button properly in world panel input. Iterate on WorldInput, allow multiple simulated inputs at the same time by migrating state to games Fix inverted x pos and lack of world scale awareness in WorldPanel ray to local code
3 Years Ago
Add transform: scalex, scaley (scale was already supported)
3 Years Ago
Add scss transform: translate( <length>, <length>? ) ( translateX, translateY were already supported )
3 Years Ago
Fix world panel input by changing WorldInput.Update to [Event.WorldInput.Build] called from the input system. WorldPanel.RayToLocalPosition: fix wrong local position being used for inside checks Simulate right (and middle) mouse button properly in world panel input.
3 Years Ago
Don't write empty modeldata.fgd
3 Years Ago
Add [Net] support for generic IDictionary<TKey, TVal>
3 Years Ago
Make [Net] work on IList<T>, deprecate List<T> to prevent confusing behaviour Use VarUnmanagedList on ITypeSymbol.IsUnmanagedType Cleanup and simplify replicated lists code gen, give better feedback if using List<T>
3 Years Ago
Add [Net] support for IDictionary<U, object> where U in unmanaged initially Add support for generic dictionaries where key/val both support unmanaged or class constraints
3 Years Ago
Cleanup and simplify replicated lists code gen, give better feedback if using List<T>
3 Years Ago
Add [Net] support for IDictionary<U, object> where U in unmanaged initially
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Allow static array initializers
3 Years Ago
NetRead.ReadObject: read floats correctly
3 Years Ago
If text-stroke-color is not set default to color Add `text-stroke <length> <color>` shorthand
3 Years Ago
Fix local client's steamid being incorrect serverside in singleplayer games
3 Years Ago
Clear a panel's input focus when it is deleted
3 Years Ago
Whitelist System.Collections.ObjectModel.* System.MidpointRounding* System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsByRefLikeAttribute System.EventArgs* & System.EventHandler*
3 Years Ago
Trace: Fix AnyTags behaving same as AllTags, WithoutTags accepts multiple string params
3 Years Ago
Texture.Load respect warnOnMissing when FileNotFoundException is thrown If no FOV is set by Camera use the default one from engine CameraSetup (default_fov convar) Stop engine forcing default_fov to 70 every frame Video settings:add default fov slider
3 Years Ago
Fix Panel translation transform transitions, make default length unit match
3 Years Ago
BaseGamePanel: Check if Package.Config is null
3 Years Ago
SceneObject use CRenderAttributes to match Render.Set functionality ( SceneObject.SetValue now accepts int, string, Vector2, Matrix )
3 Years Ago
SceneObject use CRenderAttributes to match Render.Set functionality ( SceneObject.SetValue now accepts int, string, Vector2, Matrix )
3 Years Ago
Obsolete Material.GetName() use Material.Name
3 Years Ago
Download ignore .obj and other png material source files (normal, rough, etc.)
3 Years Ago
Experiments Default override Player.ShouldLagCompensate to return true This tells the lag compensation to record this entity, ShouldLagCompensateForClient says if we should rewind. Don't automatically add all pawns to lag compensation, let them opt in ( Base Player defaults to true ) Add debug prints to make sure we're actually back tracking
3 Years Ago
Don't automatically add all pawns to lag compensation, let them opt in ( Base Player defaults to true ) Add debug prints to make sure we're actually back tracking
3 Years Ago
Default override Player.ShouldLagCompensate to return true This tells the lag compensation to record this entity, ShouldLagCompensateForClient says if we should rewind.
3 Years Ago
Fix NRE crash when calling null YogaNode on a deleted panel TaskSource.IsValid internal setter
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Don't allow default maxplayers to exceed MAX_PLAYERS