
1,293 Commits over 943 Days - 0.06cph!

6 Months Ago
Old envmap code Fix cubemaps always using 1 extra cubemap they shouldn't be (need shader rebuild) Before: After: convolve_environment_map.shader - optimized compile + vk shader
6 Months Ago
Merge latest Valve rendersystemvulkan & rendersystembase changes Primarily this is switching to use VMA, but also dozens of major and minor fixes and general upstream parity with our own changes distinct and clear.
6 Months Ago
Update renderstate
6 Months Ago
Merge latest rendersystemvulkan changes
6 Months Ago
Vulkan BarrierHelper Use barriers for the multipass texture downsampling, this was messing up our depth pyramid making mips look like this:
6 Months Ago
Move these procedural layer renderers to not be inline, drop Vr prefix from quad renderer Move tiled light culling to it's own layer renderer ( this should be per-view in the lightbinner really, but I can't touch that right now ) Buffer barriers on the culled lights buffer
6 Months Ago
Clean resource names of textures further to not mistake for absolute path
6 Months Ago
Fucked it
6 Months Ago
IRenderDevice: delete 360 only method GPU Resident Textures debug menu Set debug names for c# loaded images Use schema-less RuntimeTextureSpecificationFlags_t, remove redundant flags
7 Months Ago
Fix Model.Load exception
7 Months Ago
Native Resource Cache Use a sliding window cache alongside weak references for our native resources in C#. There were cases where we were reloading resources every frame because the garbage collector was too good at it's job, so we'll let per frame loads hang around a bit longer. Resolves #1306
7 Months Ago
Clear cache at opportune moments Use NativeResourceCache for other native resources Destroy strong handles on main thread Get rid of debug
7 Months Ago
Give this a go
7 Months Ago
Fix strong handle leak in Texture.FromNative
7 Months Ago
Flush managed rts the same time native wants to, stops those huge temporary vram spikes when resizing scene editor
7 Months Ago
Fix leaked resources when CSwapChainDx11 is resized Before: After: CSwapChainVulkan also flushes scratch rendertargets on resize
7 Months Ago
[pick] Fix Graphics.GenerateMipMaps downsampling an invalid mip at the end
7 Months Ago
Uncomment this stuff with updated vulkan headers 32 bit depth buffer doesn't imply reverse depth Pixel center always 0.5f
7 Months Ago
Initial Vulkan update merge New rendersystem interface bits Base rendersystem updates Sync rendersystemempty w/ public Partial update rendersystemdx11 scenesystem updates rendersystemvulkan bits and bobs Minor glossary of differences we keep with upstream rendersystemvulkan Update thirdparty/vulkan, custom Valve changes Some more shit Can use these vma internals now Keep numStages at 5 for offset calculation (for now) vk: check what depth format is properly supported msaa stuff
7 Months Ago
Fuck all of that actually, just leave a better comment here
7 Months Ago
Make sure intermediate depth matches intermediate output color render target ComputePipelineRenderTargetInfo doesn't care if toolview is false This does the same shit r_textures_list_all - see all resident textures
7 Months Ago
tier0: new memalloc aligned16 accessors CResourceNameGetter inherits CResourceName Don't stub CSceneSystem::SetMainSwapChain in tools, why would we not want SCENE_RTSIZE_FRAMEBUFFER the correct size RenderTarget.GetTemporary uses 32 bit depth when needed fix options.cpp redefinition
7 Months Ago
oops obviously the assetsystem can be null from other contexts
7 Months Ago
When materials compile new textures register them immediately - fixes cases where recompiling the vmat with a new texture would result in a missing texture
7 Months Ago
Hash fog volumes and update clipmaps when they change
7 Months Ago
Add SceneLight.FogLighting Force update volumetric fog clipmaps when fog volumes are dirty (e.g editor mode)
7 Months Ago
Network SkyCameraEntit.SkyboxScale and remove unused shit
7 Months Ago
Consolidate current game project logic further, make these tests better reflect use case
7 Months Ago
Switch from forked to stable MonoMod.RuntimeDetour Make sure we generate a sln and sync package manager when a project isn't launched straight from the .sbproj No more .addon upgrading This seems redundant and like it'll cause something unpredicted in the future Can load http:// images
7 Months Ago
If any HammerEntity fails to parse don't shit the bed for all of them
7 Months Ago
Minor glossary of differences we keep with upstream rendersystemvulkan
7 Months Ago
New rendersystem interface bits Base rendersystem updates Sync rendersystemempty w/ public Partial update rendersystemdx11 scenesystem updates rendersystemvulkan bits and bobs
7 Months Ago
[pick] new aligned memalloc methods [pick] CResourceNameGetter refactor Initial Vulkan update merge
7 Months Ago
Latest rendersystem base
7 Months Ago
Start the editor with the previous saved log level (e.g tracing stays on) Fix events not running on instances where they have events on the base and derived class
7 Months Ago
Hang watchdog -> tools stall monitor Splash screen is stall monitor main thread window before editor opens
7 Months Ago
Snap angle works under 1.0
7 Months Ago
Hammer: float snap angles and some more presets
7 Months Ago
Fix asserts showing as errors in intellisense Delete loads of random shit from game Don't explicitly set MultiProcMaxCount, defaults to # logical processors (which is 96 on our build server) - compiles 15% faster locally for me
7 Months Ago
Latest tier0 basetypes Split everything out of basetypes.h into new or existing includes, remove very old code, typesafe numerics, bring engine up to date with these changes
7 Months Ago
typelimits.h Explicit use stackalloc.h Remove CRT_INCLUDES_RESTRICTED Explicit d suffix on tier0 math funcs Split dbg.h into assert_base.h, messages_base.h Add tier0_utils_base.h First pass at removing stuff from basetypes.h to commonmacros and platform no more qboolean BOOL-shit this intellisense bug is fixed, in fact it errors with this workaround Explicit recttypes.h basetypes, bitscan, enum bitwise operators Explicit typesafe numeric headers, update all usage Pointer handles fuck off too Move some more to commonmacros Fix double fsel def Remove includes from basetypes.h Unused COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT
7 Months Ago
Fix bad includes oops
7 Months Ago
Clean up groups.vgc, sbox_game.sln can be everything -thirdpartylibs texturedictionary to materialsystem2
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
Delete all these random devtool scripts, we're not using any of it, delete some other random unused stuff One .gitignore, .gitattributes clean up obsolete stuff Use .git-blame-ignore-revs so we can ignore formatting commits
7 Months Ago
EditorCookie seems to be null here making CI tests hang, but I don't know why it'd be null @devultj ? Test game/server should timeout
7 Months Ago
tier0 math include shuffling
7 Months Ago
Add missing <memory> include
7 Months Ago
Strip gcsdk Delete toolstyleeditor Delete streamingbootstrap Delete nvtristriplib Delete vdata_editor Delete diffmemstats Delete obj_tool
7 Months Ago
fann unused