
8,451 Commits over 2,131 Days - 0.17cph!

5 Years Ago
More work, and always close the menu after an action
5 Years Ago
More UI
5 Years Ago
Pass interactor to the server
5 Years Ago
Server receives NPC commands
5 Years Ago
Better keycode system
5 Years Ago
UI interaction options now use real entries
5 Years Ago
lods for prefabs, setting up prefabs
5 Years Ago
adjusted character culling routine. Will hopfully fix ghosting players.
5 Years Ago
Pretty nice working interaction list UI
5 Years Ago
Interaction options UI work
5 Years Ago
Fix missing assignment
5 Years Ago
Interaction work + finishing the rename.
5 Years Ago
Rename a file - some shenanigans needed since I want to rename the case only.
5 Years Ago
Turns out Character Type Data actually does need its check in OnValidate (removed recently). Add a note for posterity
5 Years Ago
Child force expand
5 Years Ago
More work on NPC multiple interactions support, and new interaction list UI
5 Years Ago
Merge Warnings cleanup
5 Years Ago
more wip
5 Years Ago
floor placement tweaks.
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Updated all the base prefabs to start to support LODs
5 Years Ago
Shifting some stuff around
5 Years Ago
Cleaning up warnings
5 Years Ago
Interaction option work
5 Years Ago
Working on interaction UI changes. Going to support multiple interaction options at once (for NPC commands).
5 Years Ago
Update pie menu to the modern age.
5 Years Ago
Merge to NPC interaction branch
5 Years Ago
- Fix unified inventory total cash change calculation. - Fix unified inventory Find and Take over multiple containers. Fixes show buy error when cash is spread between inventory and belt.
5 Years Ago
Deployables can no longer be stacked. Things like TVs etc. can still be placed on tables etc. though.
5 Years Ago
Fixed corporation, join / leave for infinite cash bug. Also stopped giving them money in the first place.
5 Years Ago
Players shirts will now match their corporation colour. NEEDS TESTING !!!
5 Years Ago
Minor edit
5 Years Ago
Turns out the giveTheItem flag has never been implemented. Implemented it, and NPCs no longer keep the items they buy (as was already intended).
5 Years Ago
Fix "Pending..." corp merge text appearing on the wrong corp for the requestee.
5 Years Ago
Several corp name/tint improvements: - Corp tint changes now update unit colour correctly when the unit is part of a larger building. - Corp name is now enforced as unique on creation, as well as on edit. - Corp name validity check after changes in now on server, not client. - Automatic corp tint colour now uses a golden ratio trick to keep tints as far away from each other in hue as possible.
5 Years Ago
Remove obsolete building colour tint code
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
added plaster trim, made concrete trim darker and more edge wear, added subtle noise and moisture to concrete and concrete trim, reunwrapped and weighted wall_details, tweaked colours and roughness on most materials
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Finally got a decent system in for cops to loiter around a bit after losing track of criminals, instead of just immediately walking off
5 Years Ago
Cop AI experimental fix
5 Years Ago
Doubled door hp
5 Years Ago
Tree LODs
5 Years Ago
TV placement exploit fix. Adjusted prices etc. on lots of core items.
5 Years Ago
Fixed a cash creation bug which was stopping users from withdrawing over a certain amount from the bank.
5 Years Ago
Minor performance fix for CanSeeATarget
5 Years Ago
Giving AI a brief vision boost when they get to the place they last saw a target, letting them see in all directions. Bit of a hack, but makes them look less dumb and is easier than having them actually look around.
5 Years Ago
Made characters within 10m of a cop always audible to them. Helps them see better without being omniscient.
5 Years Ago
Got permanently stuck working as it should