360 Commits over 276 Days - 0.05cph!
Changed navmesh agent max step height to match step height on AI characters
Fixes weird pathing around stairs
Added an attacking move helper that gently pushes the player back if they are attacking towards an edge
-Pushback amount is exposed in Movement/AttackEdgePushbackAmount in MainDude
-Currently set to 100, which still allows the player to fall off the edge, but tends to leave the player close to the edge at the end of an attack
-Can be set to 0 to disable completely, 512 is generally enough to keep the player on a ledge even if spamming attack, but it's super obvious
AI_Character now stores it's AICharacterType and Behaviour Tree
Cleans up the big class detection branch in AIController
Added God Mode for testing, suppressed leaderboard posting in editor
Hit G to toggle god mode, should be suppressed in a packaged build (untested)
Implemented screen space target lock changes
Changing lock on target now attempts to get the next valid target in a given screen-space direction
Can now change lock on target by pushing Rstick left/right or pressing Q/E on keyboard (Mouse Wheel still works as well)
Added a Test Map and a disabled AI Dummy
messed with movement/animations a bit, raised kill floor, add interact indicator, UI controllable with gamepad, etc.
fixing blocking/aim for controller
attacks slightly faster, lock on and block work together, freeze bombs, bomb throwing controls modified
changed gate material to signify whether it needs a key or not
implemented a few exploration/easy floors for the beginning
add version checker and score reset when version number changes
turning off some debug stuff
some ai animation stuff, setting up more exploration styled modules
AI number tweaks and bug fixes
fixed frozen bug, tweaked some ai stuff
AI stuff, most notably dodging
fixed some issues with ai walking off edge, added freeze traps
finished rock trap, more modules, etc.
more modules, trap door trap, more interactability with bombs
some ai tweaks, loot spawns a little more controlled, new module
bugs, fixing stuff i broke, character rotates when throw aiming, poise system
lets give that another try
bomb throwing now consumes bombs on belt, bombs spawn into world
player can now throw bombs, improvements to animations/gamplay feel
push slug, push event changes
dagger, big sword, new ai, bug fixes, more varied loot spawn, etc.
lock on improvements and some bug fixes
turned off some debug stuff
breakable shields, heavy attacks, more ai stuff
Update EphyraEditor.Target.cs
removed weapon debug, build not working though :/
fixed build errors, fixed some lock on issues
got rid of debug stuff, upgraded to ue4 4.16, fixed key not spawning when enemy fell
re did anim graph, rag dolls, more modules, more meshes, AI improvements, etc.
step up on ledge animation/input, new module, bug fixes, etc
more AI stuff, branches back in, armor more available, ghost floors
ai reworked, bomd landing indicator, armor, and prob more
smoothed out more animation stuff and fixed more animation bugs
sprinting, animation tweaks and bug fixes, hit detection fixes, etc
no more inventory, health pads, animation tweaks/bug fixes, etc
character transform fixed