repoGarrys Modcancel

8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!

4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Do not mark already subscribed addons as "from server" and do not unmount them on map shutdown
4 Years Ago
Fixed duplicator library's Min/Max calculations Fixed duplicator tool's bounding box going away on death even though a dupe is still active
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Fixed some constraint library functions (such as HasConstraints, GetAllConstrainedEntities, etc) not functioning with the world entity Fixed gmsave library (Spawnmenu save system) not saving constraints that are attached to the world entity on both ends (such as ropes)
4 Years Ago
Fixed Winch/Rope scaling wrapping around at length of 100
4 Years Ago
cfg/network.cfg is no longer considered userconfig, and is ran before autoexec.cfg Increased forced defaults of "rate", "cl_cmd/updaterate" cvars to 100k and 66, from 30k and 30 respectively. This only affects clientside settings, which are overridden by server's settings (sv_maxrate, etc)
4 Years Ago
Make sound.Add act as override on x86-64 too
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Make sound.Add soundscripts treated as overrides so they are cleaned up/restored on disconnect
4 Years Ago
Forcibly disallow the resource library from adding .xbox.vtx and .sw.vtx files to the server's downloadables list
4 Years Ago
Quickfix for menu_cleanupgmas problem now also clears the problem itself
4 Years Ago
Unmount addons mounted by server on map shutdown
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Added a visual bounding box of the current dupe to the duplicator tool
4 Years Ago
Fixed some entities (such as props) reporting "tookdamage" as false in PostEntityTakeDamage when they are killed
4 Years Ago
Added CMoveData.Set/Get for: ConstraintWidth, ConstraintSpeedScale, ConstraintCenter, FinalIdealVelocity, FinalJumpVelocity, FinalStepHeight
4 Years Ago
More responsive controls for drive_noclip for "Drive" property
4 Years Ago
Entity.SetAngles properly sets angles on jeeps, they no longer snap back to old angles
4 Years Ago
Automatically leave previous vehicle when entering a new vehicle (for example via Player.EnterVehicle)
4 Years Ago
Micro optimization to player:__index (Community Contribution)
4 Years Ago
Change EyeAngles() back to what it was, but keep GetAimVector correct to the vehicle view so SWEPs shoot where expected while in a vehicle
4 Years Ago
Fixed the half life 2 shotgun hack affecting SWEPs
4 Years Ago
Fixed a regression with hlmv.exe's texture list
4 Years Ago
"Select All" button now selects all addons within current search/filter, not all subscriptions Added addon count and selected count to the addon menu (in the popup menu with filters/etc) Removed selection checkboxes for floating .gma addons Made the background of a disabled addon darker so its more obvious when an addon is disabled
4 Years Ago
Let mat_envmaptgasize override the default cubemap size if it is set to a value higher than the map's cubemap size
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Disable BCollisionFacesAreAllValid check for displacements as it has false positives
4 Years Ago
cl_downloadfilter "mapsonly" also works with workshop addons now (checks the MAP tag on the addon) Nicer error message for FastDL download errors in console
4 Years Ago
Added filesize/total file count to FastDL downloads
4 Years Ago
Move default spawnicons to fallbacks.vpk so user changes can take precedence over the default icons Added fallbacks.vpk to "MOD" search path
4 Years Ago
cherry pick displacement fix
4 Years Ago
Fixed displacements not having collisions with vphysics on certain maps
4 Years Ago
cherrypick the vehicle camera eyeangle fix
4 Years Ago
Added a 3rd argument to Pre/PostDrawTranslucent/OpaqueRenderables - isRendering3DSky
4 Years Ago
Fixed parenting issues with func_movelinear, and a an issue with startSound possibly not restarting
4 Years Ago
Entity.GetModelMaterials will now return complete list of materials if used on a brush model, including the map. Maximum for models is reduced to 128 (from 256) which matches other places in the engine when it comes to models.
4 Years Ago
Fixed performance discrepancy of Entity:GetMaterials() between different models
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Remove localplayer local angles hack from Entity.EyeAngles() Added Player.LocalEyeAngles(), which returns the unmodified by vehicle view/being parented eye angles.
4 Years Ago
Do not disable collisions when parenting brushes to one another (Experimental)
4 Years Ago
Prevent weld constraint assigning a global variable with the last created weld (Community Contrib)
4 Years Ago
Map icons for new CSGO maps
4 Years Ago
Added "menu_cleanupgmas", "mat_specular 0" and "Addon missing file, nothing to mount" issues to Problems panel
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Fixed file.Find not working for some addons
4 Years Ago
Apply PhysObj.EnableMotion to all PhysObjects of a Jeep, and enable it in multiplayer
4 Years Ago
Added description to local saves/dupes/demos, and fixed a minor visual issue with their titles in spawnmenu
4 Years Ago
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