8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
srcdsWorkshop: Possible fix for linux not writing files
Automated Linux DS Build #490
Automated Windows Build #490
Automated Linux Build #490
Automated Linux DS Build #489
Automated Windows Build #489
Automated Linux Build #489
Added Player.SimulateGravGunPickup, Player.SimulateGravGunDrop, Player.GetPreferredCarryAngles
Automated Linux DS Build #488
Automated Windows Build #488
* Updated localization files
! Added stuff for overrides/, moved HL2 chopper bomb content to overrides/
Automated Linux DS Build #487
Automated Windows Build #487
Automated Linux Build #487
serverlist.Query uses a secondary query to find at least 5k full servers (if they're out there) because 60% are just empty
Serverlist ranking increases a little for player counts to avoid hundreds of 7ms latency, 1 player servers popping up
Automated Linux DS Build #486
Automated Windows Build #486
Automated Linux Build #486
Angle() can now accept only 1 argument, to match the Vector() global
Automated Linux DS Build #485
Automated Windows Build #485
Automated Linux Build #485
* game.GetTimeScale & game.GetSkillLevel will no longer try to return data without pushing it first
Automated Linux DS Build #484
Automated Windows Build #484
Automated Linux Build #484
* Fixed CS:GO (v7.5 vtfs) environment maps failing to load
Automated Linux DS Build #483
Automated Windows Build #483
Automated Linux Build #483
* Added Entity.GetFlexIDByName( str ) -> id
* render.Pop functions will no longer crash the game when underflowed
* Burning props no longer ignite their gibs when destroyed
* Enabled full episodic behaviour on HL2 Hunter Chopper
Automated Linux DS Build #482
Automated Windows Build #482
Automated Linux Build #482
print BASS error messages instead of error IDs
Automated Linux DS Build #481
Automated Windows Build #481
Automated Linux Build #481
* Fixed an exploit allowing people to die and respawn on a ladder
Automated Linux DS Build #23