8,596 Commits over 3,256 Days - 0.11cph!
Automated Windows Build #358
Automated Linux DS Build #358
Automated Windows Build #357
Automated Linux DS Build #357
Automated Linux Build #357
Enable clip-planes when rendering C_FuncReflectiveGlass views
Automated Linux DS Build #10
Automated Linux Build #10
Automated Linux DS Build #356
Automated Windows Build #10
Automated Windows Build #356
Merge 'Allow changes to gmod_mcore_test to take effect while in-game'
Automated Linux Build #356
Allow changes to gmod_mcore_test to take effect while in-game
Automated Linux DS Build #355
Automated Windows Build #355
Automated Linux Build #355
* Fixed Entity:SetEyeTarget() having no effect on "anim" type SENTs
Automated Linux DS Build #354
Automated Windows Build #354
Automated Linux Build #354
* Marked dumpstringtables as a cheat
* Fixed 2 dumpstringtable* console commands being registered twice
Automated Linux DS Build #353
Automated Windows Build #353
Automated Linux Build #353
Enable clip planes for water reflection/refraction (stop addons from accidentally breaking them with render.EnableClipping)
Automated Linux DS Build #9
Automated Windows Build #9
Merge: queued rendering changes, mat_requires_rt_alloc_first, use of CLuaCallback, RopeManager shutdown changes, crouch-jump fix, Lua ConVar/ConCommand changes
Automated Linux DS Build #352
Automated Windows Build #352
Automated Linux Build #352
game.LoadNextMap, game.SetTimeScale, game.SetSkillLevel, game.GetTimeScale, game.GetSkillLevel no longer crash when g_pGameRules = null
Automated Linux DS Build #351
Automated Windows Build #351
Automated Linux Build #351
Improved handling of 0 subs for menu_cleanupgmas
Automated Linux DS Build #350
Automated Windows Build #350