
41 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

9 Years Ago
Started on room browser visuals
9 Years Ago
Committing so I can merge.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Fixed DevKit project.
9 Years Ago
Inputs are now sampled during a FixedUpdate().
9 Years Ago
Working on allowing input sampling during fixed updates.
9 Years Ago
Some project restructure, now using MaterialPropertyBlocks for screens and screen reflectors.
9 Years Ago
Added NotifyPanel to NetworkingTest to help diagnose issues.
9 Years Ago
Added third cabinet, possible fix for player movement networking.
9 Years Ago
Fixed exceptions when entities are removed from groups.
9 Years Ago
Fixed a possible error after removing networkables.
9 Years Ago
Fixed cabinet streaming.
9 Years Ago
Moved `Arcade.Math` to `Arcade.Maths` to fix conflicts with `System.Math`, cabinet streaming works sometimes.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Started work on cabinet streaming.
9 Years Ago
Started on Main Menu UI
9 Years Ago
Fixed players not sending requests to control cabinets.
9 Years Ago
Possible fix for NetworkTest scene constantly being marked as modified.
9 Years Ago
Working on allowing players to control cabinets.
9 Years Ago
Started work on cabinet networking.
9 Years Ago
[zombies] cursor now above hud
9 Years Ago
[zombies] custom cursor
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Added `Controls.IsCursorVisible`, although the cursor seems to stay hidden when switching games.
9 Years Ago
Basic handling of players disconnecting.
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'master' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
[zombies] build menu shows tooltips
9 Years Ago
[zombies] build menu shows proper icons
9 Years Ago
[zombies] fence debris when damaged
9 Years Ago
[zombies] added fence structure
9 Years Ago
Improved chatbox visuals
9 Years Ago
Added history fade duration and delay to script to control through the inspector
9 Years Ago
Chatbox now removes history that completely overflows the history region
9 Years Ago
Merge branch 'net-lidgren' of arcade into net-lidgren
9 Years Ago
Cured players of asthma.
9 Years Ago
Added fading line history to chatbox to show chat when chatbox is closed
9 Years Ago
Chatbox now closes after submitting and fixed input focus, ActivateInputField was needed before Select
9 Years Ago
[zombies] soldiers get stat experience for doing different things
9 Years Ago
[zombies] stat lvl up effect
9 Years Ago
[zombies] added stats for soldiers
9 Years Ago
[zombies] sometimes zombies will attack a wall if an existing entrance exists but is far away