62 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Actually changed the default game to `Mazing`.
Switched default game to `Mazing`.
Added `ignore` files for `CurrentMood` and `Zombies`.
Merge branch 'master' into drawlines-refactor
Merge branch 'master' of arcade
Merged the `BudgetBoyLine` and `BudgetBoySprite` shaders, fixing Unity batching draw calls that used different shaders out of the original render order.
[ultimate_soldier] Fixed some exceptions thrown when trying to access `Graphics.Scissor`.
[zombies] simplified and improved pathfinding again
[racer] Front tyres are visible again.
Re-enabled scissor rect for lines.
Merge branch 'master' into drawlines-refactor
Basic mitering implemented. Can get very pointy.
Line rendering is functional again.
New line rendering system is almost working.
[zombies] renamed war game, improved soldier movement, etc
`Graphics.DrawPoints()` and `Graphics.DrawLines()` now accept a float for point / line thickness.
Started writing shader for line drawing.
Fixed infinite loop when rendering lines from a stream.
Lines are now serialized in groups of continuous sequences after culling.
[war] tweaked the way soldiers evaluate shots, added per-soldier accuracy attribute
[war] soldiers lose track of targets they cant see anymore
Mid way through changing `GraphicsProvider.DrawMesh()` to accept a 4x4 matrix.
Quad geometry used for sprites is now explicitly defined, moved to be a unit square from (0,0) to (1,1).
Simplified the `BudgetBoySprite` shader.
Fixed transformation operation deserialization.
Fixed `Text` being rendered in the wrong position after being scaled or rotated.
[racer] Added drifting, needs some tweaks though.
Fixed `RectF.Center` and `RectI.Center` setters.
Fixed scaled `Text` rendering.
Fixed a few mistakes with `Transform.Inverse`, fixing `Tilemap` culling.
Fixed `Tilemap` scaling, vertical culling is a bit whack though.
Made vector type naming consistent with `RectF` and `RectI`.
Added setters for `RectI` properties `TopLeft`, `TopRight`, `BottomLeft`, `BottomRight`, `Size` and `Center`.
Added setters for `RectF` properties `TopLeft`, `TopRight`, `BottomLeft`, `BottomRight`, `Size` and `Center`.
Merge branch 'master' into transform-stack
Added `Graphics.WorldScissorBounds` property, using it for Tilemap culling.
Added `RectF.TransformedBounds()` method.
[war] can spam right click to give more explicit instructions
[war] debug text when selecting single soldier
[war] tweaked gun throwing behaviour
[war] fixed soldiers not picking up guns
[war] refactored some of enemy AI
[racer] New car is working.
Fixed more issues with the transformation system.
Fixed a couple of issues with drawing primitives.
Attempting to fix a few issues with the transformation system.
Added `RectI.GetBounds()` and `RectF.GetBounds()`.