
6 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

7 Years Ago
Fixed some foreach usage with PooledList Added unit tests to PooledList, they all pass.
7 Years Ago
Merged from main yet again.
7 Years Ago
Merged from main.
7 Years Ago
Removed IEnumerable from PooledList, because it was encourraging bad usage ( gc'ing foreach usage ). Also added GetActiveRange() to PooledList, that returns the range from 0 to Count in the internal list, for usage with AddRange externally. Removed unused functions from PooledList. It was doing too much weird shit that wasn't being used anyway. Let's keep this class more focused now.
7 Years Ago
Refactored Fixed Array and renamed it to PooledList. Replaced usage of Fixed Array creation with the new more convenient PooledListUtil creation methods. In some places we now use List instead of FixedArray/PooledList.
7 Years Ago
Working on rewriting FixedArray into PooledList.