9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Updated TOD and Water. Reverted startup scene change
More influence map tinkering but kinda broken right now
- Added ZoneInfluence which creates and updates InflunceMaps, (currently with only 2d but with support for 3d trees)
- ZoneInfluence currently creates two maps on world construction ForestDensity and TribeActivity
- Added Zone tab to Debug UI which shows images for InfluenceMaps from the currently occupied Zone
Influence map experiments
- Navmesh for island-0002
- Added temporary toggle (GameManager) for mutliple zone spawn testing
- Fixed GraphicsOptions Presets not being reset properly on cycle
Game scene list update and game manager loading tweak
Some SceneCreationWizard updates, added import settings check for splatmaps
- Working on multiple Zone spawning