
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

10 Years Ago
Updated TOD and Water. Reverted startup scene change
10 Years Ago
Merge from main
10 Years Ago
More influence map tinkering but kinda broken right now
10 Years Ago
- Added ZoneInfluence which creates and updates InflunceMaps, (currently with only 2d but with support for 3d trees) - ZoneInfluence currently creates two maps on world construction ForestDensity and TribeActivity - Added Zone tab to Debug UI which shows images for InfluenceMaps from the currently occupied Zone
10 Years Ago
Influence map experiments
10 Years Ago
- Navmesh for island-0002 - Added temporary toggle (GameManager) for mutliple zone spawn testing - Fixed GraphicsOptions Presets not being reset properly on cycle
10 Years Ago
Game scene list update and game manager loading tweak
10 Years Ago
Some SceneCreationWizard updates, added import settings check for splatmaps
10 Years Ago
- Working on multiple Zone spawning