
19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Cleaned up some now unneeded raid creation stuff
7 Years Ago
Added some combat target tinkering in the raid desire to try and make raiding animals more aggressive
7 Years Ago
Reworked raid creation - Diplomacy component now has a raid time and possible units to spawn in the raid. It then spawns these units as a collection and triggers the existing raid mechanics. This is instead of creating a collection out of existing units, this approach didn't really work in proper game scenes since animals were often killed or scattered.
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Switched night time consideration to use the TimeRangeParameters system
7 Years Ago
TOD Light consideration can now look at the date time instead of light intensity (light intensity goes back up at night thanks to moon light, so it's not a good indicator of is it night time) Raids should now happen at night
7 Years Ago
Updated blackboard syntax based on main changes Updated UnitStatusUtility to return friendly if unit a and unit b are player controlled
7 Years Ago
Merging from main
7 Years Ago
Tweaked aggression values to make animals more dangerous (just wolves right now) and fixed some issues with calculating hostility Raid target falls back to just going to the player camp location if no valid interactions (like eating) are available Tribe spawner now tracks ItemViews as well as BuildingViews so proper items are spawned with the premade tribes
7 Years Ago
Added a MoveAwayFromFire goal to animal idle, lets torches and campfires act as deterrents to animals
7 Years Ago
Player's group diplomacy component now tracks the last time the group was raided and added a 12-24hr cooldown so raids don't happen too often
7 Years Ago
Raid gets disbanded once the target interaction is no longer valid
7 Years Ago
More raid stuff, animals will now eat food they find in your camp
7 Years Ago
Added human wake up logic to the animal sleep system, seems to work ok? Animals weren't waking up in testbox scenes, presumably there just isn't enough stuff to wake them up WIP raid objectives, animals will only raid if there is food in the camp
7 Years Ago
Reworked raid objective (just position for now) into a new RaidDesire desire type. Can eventually be used to store an objective for a raid (eat from this spit, attack this building, etc)
7 Years Ago
Forgot to save
7 Years Ago
More wip raiding stuff
7 Years Ago
WIP hostile raiding implementation -Only implemented on wolves -Similar system to Human Party system (should theoretically work with hostile tribes as well) -A collection of 2-4 units is created at night, the collection leader then finds the players territory and starts moving towards it