
33 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Months Ago
Fix cloth on projectiles and world models having the wrong gravity direction Probably fix stretching of cloth when teleporting large distances
3 Months Ago
vm spear - updates to rig, burst cloth setup & clothMat
3 Months Ago
Fixed non-matching condition amount
3 Months Ago
Fixed spear being listed as stone spear skin, now wooden
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
CNY Spear - fix for spears penetrating the body too much, updated holster position
3 Months Ago
Update spear to be a wooden spear skin rather than stone spear
3 Months Ago
Merge from main
3 Months Ago
Merge from wr_setup
3 Months Ago
resized spear in entity to match others, altered holster position to reduce hair clipping into the body
3 Months Ago
removed spear model from craggy
3 Months Ago
moved CNY spear to weapons folder
3 Months Ago
hook up sounds
3 Months Ago
added cny specific throw aim anim
3 Months Ago
projectile update
3 Months Ago
Add a custom editor for burst cloth to check for incorrectly cached data and clear it Clear old cached data from viewmodel prefab
3 Months Ago
burst cloth updates for entity, projectile & world model, added projectile specific clothMat
3 Months Ago
exported updated CNY spear admire animation
3 Months Ago
Burst cloth tweaks
3 Months Ago
cny spear - added icon, fixed model outline issues with worldmodel, updated worldmodel skinning
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
cny spear admire animation update
3 Months Ago
exported CNY spear admire animation
3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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3 Months Ago
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