
38 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Fixed multiple issues that were causing MLRS rocket-in-flight markers to not show up. Updated the markers themselves.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Stopped all the different maps from fighting over who's the active map
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Show markers in red, hide most other content.
3 Years Ago
Switch back to the older target inaccuracy system for the MLRS. Gives a much better guarantee of the target area that's ultimately hit by rockets.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Capture mouse and keyboard correctly
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Fixes
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Some requested changes
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Scaling some content instead of resizing it, makes the appearance more consistent
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Finally got the map to zoom to the same scale regardless of world size. A true miracle.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Set the MLRS username to the player's Steam name. Map fixes.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Square map window instead of circular
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Move the min range circle with the MLRS, now that we allow scrolling/panning the map
3 Years Ago
Fix dialog OnDisable, replace with Clear override
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Various map UI work in progress. Scrollbars and stuff.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Changing plans. Removed outer red circle, kept the fade. Map is now at a fixed zoom level and draggable. Still WIP
3 Years Ago
Projectile and range edits
3 Years Ago
MLRS accounts for modified rocket gravity. Adjusted rocket gravity. Custom inspector for MLR rockets.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Some visual tweaks
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Set the target and true aim circle size correctly
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Set the central min range circle to the correct size
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Derived the necessary map scaling formula.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: The hard part. WIP getting the map to scale correctly to exactly fit the MLRS' total range indicator circle on-screen.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: - Initial work on actually making the new map work correctly. Position the target and true aim circles correctly. Allow placing the target with mouse (or with WASD). - Fixed close button no longer working.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: True and targeted aim circles, setting active map view
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Added "click to aim" info for the fullscreen dialog
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Map central circle, new textures for it
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Set up texture layers: Map mask, map mask fade, map outer circle, scanlines
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Map UI WIP
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Map view mask and edge fade
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Full-screen UI now looks correct at any aspect ratio.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: General WIP
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Map view early WIP
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Ready status UI
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Fixed velocity bar now showing the amount correctly
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Projectile velocity UI added
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Initial work on active mode. Fullscreen mode works.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul: Missile ammo display added and functional. Updating old UI scripts.
3 Years Ago
MLRS UI overhaul part 1: "Missing aiming module" screen