
13 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
Line points are now stored as Vector4's, store line slack amount in w value Slack is now calculated per line point Increased line detail/tesselation Added some line slack to the airfield lines Added gizmo handles to adjust line slack
6 Years Ago
WIP line drooping
6 Years Ago
Show an actual line renderer when setting up line points
6 Years Ago
All entity output lines are in local space Fixed snapping not respecting local space Wiring tool converts points to local space
6 Years Ago
Enable line renderer on pre-placed lines regardless of LOD state
6 Years Ago
Fix some errors when snapping while there are no points Lines built with tool are now saved and loaded in local space (added an extra local space bool to data) Line tool will automatically flag a line as local space, manually updated the existing airfield lines
6 Years Ago
Snap points to Rust.Layers.Solid, adding a point sets the snap index to the new point
6 Years Ago
airfield wire setup test
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Better undo and redo support, support new prefab workflow, can raycast snap the last moved point by holding V
6 Years Ago
First pass on a tool to connect IOEntity outputs in the editor