28 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
Fixed cassette recorders not sticking correctly to MLRS moving parts
Added model component to MLRS
Timed explosive / thrown weapon bone attachment not prefers the bone that belongs to the collider that was hit (rather than using the closest one in world space)
Reduce MLRS rocket world model size and mass to 25% of actual size and mass
Fixed extra MLRS rocket storage sub-ent
Fix client compile for range limit checks
Separate the MLRS rocket explosion and ground effect FX and fire them separately. Ground effect now plays at the hit point rather than directly below the main explosion.
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No-aim areas in the MLRS UI (safe zones etc) now all have their diagonal filler lines at the same scale
Fallback fonts for the MLRS font. Handle all languages
Extended character set for MLRS UI
Fix MLRS rocket backfire FX flashing on when entering LOD range
Take fuse time into account when showing rocket max distance (for instance HV rockets could fly 3,200m with an unlimited fuse, but actually explode after a maximum of 400m (10-second fuse))
Don't show max distance for MLRS rockets or torpedoes
Move max range calculation to ServerProjectile. A couple of changes
ExplosiveInformationPanel now calculates the true Max Distance to show the user, instead of a semi-fabricated one
Update TryFireProjectile comment now that I've tracked down the cause
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Attach dashboardStorageInstance to dashboardStoragePoint, not rocketStoragePoint
Revert IPreventSticking interface for sticking stuff to the MLRS (satchel charges etc). Will see if we can do this with the existing bones system.
MLRS UI radius fix. Raycast spacing edit.
Increase raycast count on the downward arc of the MLRS hit calculation. Makes for more accurate alignment between the player-placed target hit point and the actual hit point.
Merge Main -> MLRSUpdates
Increase MLRS map base zoom from 0.33 (repeating of course) to 0.45
Shrink the MLRS UI visual target by half the rocket damage radius to give a good indication of actual damage area (in reality it shrinks by the whole rocket damage radius, but the rockets themselves damage in a radius which can reach outside that area)
MLRS rockets cluster less towards the centre of the potential hit area
Increase MLRS target area radius from 25m to 35m. Given rocket explosion radius of 15, this give an actual possible-hit-point increase from 10m to 20m.