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updated player downed anims
Made the wounded UI text a bit clearer, also converted it to RustText
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Code review: Disable saving on WoundedFreeCamera and WoundedNeverEnds editor vars to avoid confusion
Revert the pointless change but now, if we're very lucky, crawling will be fixed
Make a pointless change to player_movement.prefab, see if the build server will fix the crawl hovering bug
If players recover from being wounded, they can't get wounded again within one minute; if they get wounded again they go straight to being dead. That's intentional, but the one minute timeout was being applied even after death and respawn. This is now fixed.
Remove "client says open door" debug log!
Prevent all view direction change while incapacitated
Calling inure or injure_player console command when in crawling state now progresses to incapacitated state
Adjust first-person crawling eye position
Reduce crawling player model collider depth from 0.75 to 0.2 to stop them being able to push other players
Add rifle ammo to my loadout
Removed the diesAtZeroHealth bool that I added some time ago for vehicle modules. Use a system similat to BasePlayer instead, just overriding the Die() method to not die.
Everything that was currently using diesAtZeroHealth = false:
- BaseVehicleModule now uses a blank Die() method instead.
- computerstation.static, ReclaimBackpack, ReclaimTerminal, StaticRespawnZoneBandit, StaticRespawnZoneCompound, microphonestandio, and elevatorioentity were immortal so wouldn't take damage already.
- StorageMonitor.deployed has been changed from DeployableGeneric protection to Immortal.
Now that wounding is single-stage again, Die() no longer needs the canBecomeWounded bool. Remove it.
updated crawl anims
updated player animator - changed anims and speed values in crawling blendtree
Wounded system changes:
- The player is only incapacitated when looted, falling, or in deep water
- Crawling: The player goes straight to dead state and ragdoll when 0 HP, no more going into incapacitated.
Fixed crawling player not adjusting direction well in third person due to the slow speed giving it a zero corrective weight in the PlayerModel rotation update
Fix forced duck regression
Revert the capsule axis change support from BasePlayer and from PlayerWalkMovement. Too much added complexity and unknowns, let's see it we can do this more simply.
PlayerWalkMovement used capsule.radius in a few places, assuming the capsule would always be vertical. Added support for horizontal capsules.
Fix player collider mismatch
Some code cleanup for duck/run/crawl methods in PlayerWalkMovement
Set PlayerWalkMovement capsule rotation via transform instead of rigidbody, fixes jitter
New, axis-rotated capsule for PlayerWalkMovement when crawling. Rotating the axis was the only way to have the player be able to crawl under half-walls without also being able to see through walls at their head position. PlayerWalkMovement now also sets its rotation based on the player model's rotation, instead of staying at Quaternion.identity (since the capsule was always the same all the way around, it never needed to actually rotate before).
Updated PlayerModel collider for crawling.
Increased the player's visibility culling radius for crawling
Added injureplayer and recoverplayer console commands, similar to kill vs. killplayer
Sleeper collider minor edit
Set up an more accurate collider for sleepers using the new axis option
Allow player collider to be on a different axis. Set up the collider shape and size for crawling.
Go directly to incapacitated if player dies from fall damage
Added support for animation going directly from standing to incapacitated (requested for fall damage)
Increase crawl speed by 20% (including animation speed)
Fixed crawling weirdness when in water. Go to incapacitated state if crawling in deep water.
Prevent jumpnig while crawling
Server-side check for interaction while crawling. Needs cleanup so code doesn't need to be duplicated
Added 1st pass standing to downed player anim