28 Commits over 30 Days - 0.04cph!
Merge Main -> RagdollRewrite
Use .position instead of MovePosition for ragdoll
Ragdoll settings change to match corpse
Corpses tended to stay permanently awake if they were lying on another corpse or other rigidbody, which kept the ragdoll awake as well. Added a check that runs every 30s. If velocity is essentially zero, force sleep state. Corpse will still wake and move if it's moved later (e.g. it's on a vehicle flatbed or a floor that collapses).
Merge Main -> RagdollRewrite
Code review: Use ListHashSet instead of directly using BufferList, for faster removes
Merge Main -> RagdollRewrite
Raised default ragdoll and corpse sleep thresholds
Added FixedUpdate to Client.cs and a static BufferList or ragdolls on the client. Call Ragdoll.SyncPosToPin each FixedUpdate tick. Avoids needed a FixedUpdate on every Ragdoll, which is slower than calling items in a list.
Move kinematic/gravity setting to PinTo set method
Fixing more post-merge layer issues. A few bits of foliage needed reimporting to update correctly, which then necessitated S2P on monuments that used them.
S2P all, to remove tree imposter layer users again after merge.
Merge Main -> RagdollRewrite
In editor, tell client-side ragdoll colliders to ignore server-side corpse colliders
Bit of a mess + FixedUpdate hack in Ragdoll but already rather good results. Link corpse and ragdoll directly, give corpse several ragdoll-matched colliders so it falls more nicely, other bits and pieces.
Minor edits re experiments
Cherry pick
81327 -> RagdollRewrite
Some changes to my custom inventory loadout
Changed plan - let BaseCorpse have a preset collider if it wants to
Torso collider on ragdoll, added mesh collider support to BaseCorpse
Turned the torso collider into a convex mesh. Fixed scale issues.
Simplified my player torso collider
Created a player torso shaped mesh collider
PlayerCorpse remove buoyancy stuff (shouldn't be needed once ragdoll directly connects to corpse)
Animal ragdolls on my test map
Fixed sharp ragdoll empty buoyancy point
Test map edit ready for ragdoll rewrite testing