
11 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

2 Years Ago
Compile fixes
2 Years Ago
Merge from powerline_zipline
2 Years Ago
vm zipline test - anims and animator
2 Years Ago
zipline player anim updates, updated ik target positions on zipline mountable prefab
2 Years Ago
Enable first person with arms and disable the look threshold while ziplining
2 Years Ago
Make speed ease in respect the mount animation
2 Years Ago
Merge from zipline_mountable
2 Years Ago
Add usePoseTransition bool to player animator (set to true when mounting a zipline) Restore old Walk->sitOnChair transition, use that if usePoseTransition is false This allows for the zipline mount transition to happen but for no transition to happen at all for non zipline mountables
2 Years Ago
player animator transition state test
2 Years Ago
player idle to zipline transition anim
2 Years Ago
Testing out easing the player into position on the zipline instead of snapping into place (looks ok in first person but a bit rough in third)