
35 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
Oxygen UI
3 Years Ago
Oxygen UI turns red
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> SubmarineOxygen
3 Years Ago
Fix scuba tank air display
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> SubmarineOxygen
3 Years Ago
Sprite animator fix
3 Years Ago
A couple of fixes
3 Years Ago
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Some refactoring
3 Years Ago
Remove temporary timing checks
3 Years Ago
Oxygen UI work
3 Years Ago
More oxygen UI WIP
3 Years Ago
WIP oxygen UI changes
3 Years Ago
Lots of oxygen refactoring. Setting up a central place to get how much air if left and where it's coming from. This is all towards supporting a better UI.
3 Years Ago
Nixed full screen wiggle because lerp bug Various other minor tweaks
3 Years Ago
Low oxygen full screen effect
3 Years Ago
Added lungs and submarine icons
3 Years Ago
Merge Main -> SubmarineSeptember
3 Years Ago
Increased "deep water" boat decay depth. Decay now starts at 12m deep instead of 4m deep. Will help stop rowboats/subs decaying inside bases that are in fairly deep water, but still let them decay under oil rigs.
3 Years Ago
Air tank icon animates little bubbles
3 Years Ago
Give an indication in the HUD when the diving tank is being used
3 Years Ago
Don't raycast target the icons in the vitals UI
3 Years Ago
Made a custom air tank icon
3 Years Ago
Diving tank activation changes. A player in a sub wearing a diving tank can stay underwater for longer by using the diving tank's air after the sub's air runs out.
3 Years Ago
More logical/comprehensible oxygen and asphyxiation vitals UI
3 Years Ago
MixerSnapshotManager null check
3 Years Ago
Vitals UI work
3 Years Ago
Refill oxygen while surfaced
3 Years Ago
Fix sub oxygen bug
3 Years Ago
Switch low oxygen percent display. Although 100 being "no oxygen" sort of makes less sense, it's consistent with everything else we show, so use that.
3 Years Ago
More oxygen changes to support subs
3 Years Ago
Diving tank now supplies oxygen based on the player's need for oxygen, rather than their level of being in the water
3 Years Ago
Fix some air level checks that should have stayed as water level
3 Years Ago
Working on various air/water stuff. Some refactoring
3 Years Ago
Replace the "Drowning" UI status with a "Low Oxygen" status, so the same warning can be used for low oxygen when not in water (inside a submarine etc). New O2 icon.
3 Years Ago
Initial oxygen work