
22 Commits over 31 Days - 0.03cph!

3 Years Ago
cargo test scene
3 Years Ago
fixed prefab ids
3 Years Ago
Deleted my placeholder MT prefabs
3 Years Ago
Replaced HTN scientist prefabs with mine. Updated mil tunnel test scene.
3 Years Ago
merge from AI main branch
3 Years Ago
merge from AI main
3 Years Ago
Deleted my old peacekeeper prefab
3 Years Ago
Peacekeeper prefab update and compound test scene update.
3 Years Ago
merge from AI main branch
3 Years Ago
Deleted bandit_guardNPCAd prefab
3 Years Ago
Replaced bandit_guard prefab with my one.
3 Years Ago
Excavatar test scene update
3 Years Ago
Scientist_junkpile_pistol prefab nav fix
3 Years Ago
ScientistNPC prefab id update
3 Years Ago
junkpile_a, junkpile_g prefab updates
3 Years Ago
Deleted placeholder junkpile pistol prefab
3 Years Ago
apply scientist_junkpile_pistol shelved prefab update
3 Years Ago
merge from ai main branch
3 Years Ago
Deleted placeholder ScientistNPCAd.
3 Years Ago
updated ScientistNPC to match my placeholder. Updated oilrig test scene
3 Years Ago
Deleted the old placeholder TunnelDwellerAd prefab
3 Years Ago
replaced original tunnel dweller prefab (and updated my tunnel test scene)