
36 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Refactor reservation/used by stuff down from AICoverPoint to AIPoint
3 Years Ago
AIInformationZone.GetCellsInRange implementation and visualisation/tester
3 Years Ago
AIInformationGrid.GetCell implementation. Added AIInformationGridTester.
3 Years Ago
Added AIPoint as a base for AICoverPoint and AIMovePoint (and anything else going forward). wip AIInformationGrid/Cell/Contents for partitioning and lookup of all the AIInformationZone move + cover points.
3 Years Ago
Fixed TargetLost event invert result
3 Years Ago
Added TargetLost ai event. Updated peacekeeper AI design to return to their patrolling after combat.
3 Years Ago
initial outpost peacekeeper AI design
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
BaseFollowPathState pathing optimisation.
3 Years Ago
AI data stats tool
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Converter tool now converts stationary spawn points with look at points to single point AIMovePointPath with look at points, so they can all be handled as paths instead of two separate approaches.
3 Years Ago
AI data conversion tool now swaps old peacekeeper spawn prefabs for new ones
3 Years Ago
New preacekeeper replacement prefab, setup and linked blank AI design. Manifest.
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
Monument AI conversion tool now converts scientist spawners, sets any waypoint path links. BaseFollowPath state now triggers the error event when there's no path. NPCSpawner now sets any path data. Added ScientistNPCSpawner, extends NPCSpawner.
3 Years Ago
Added AIInformationZone.GetNearestPath to find the AIMovePointPath with the nearest waypoint to the specified position. BaseFollowPathState will now automatically start following the nearest path if a specific one isn't specified.
3 Years Ago
Refactored facing direction override support down from NPCPlayerNavigator to BaseNavigator. BaseFollowPathState now sets navigator direction for look at points.
3 Years Ago
Added support for path reversing to AIMovePointPath and BaseFollowPath state. Added support for waypoint look-at points to BaseFollowPath.
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
more path wip
3 Years Ago
wip BaseFollowPath state and supporting functions for AIMovePointPath
3 Years Ago
AIMovePointPath debug render fix
3 Years Ago
Converter copies over path nav mode. Debug draw waypoint lookat points when an AIMovePointPath is selected. More useful move/path point debug drawing.
3 Years Ago
AIMovePoint now supports look-at points. Added AIMovePointPath to handle patrol routes. AI monument converter tool now handles patrol route conversion.
3 Years Ago
AI conversion tool now copies waypoints + waypoint data
3 Years Ago
merge from main
3 Years Ago
3 Years Ago
Added HostileTargetsOnly flag + implementation to AIBrainSenses
3 Years Ago
NPC auto turrets ignore new scientists
3 Years Ago
converter tool replaces old ManualCoverPoint instances with AICoverPoint and copies direction etc over.
3 Years Ago
more outpost test scene setup. wip AI monument data conversion tool.
3 Years Ago
outpost test scene