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Texturing feedback Old TV 2
- Texture Resize Fire Extinguisher
Updated Standing Coat Hanger Collider to be Lower Res
Imported Wall Mounted Coat Hanger Textures and Models
Added and Setup Wall Mounted Coat Hanger Prop Prefab
Setup Wall Mounted Coat Hanger Material, Colliders and LODs
-Fire Extinguisher LODs, Prefab and collision changes
-Fire Extinguisher Texture update and material consolodation
-Fire Extinguisher LOD0
-Prefab setup
Updated Standing Coat Hanger Prop Textures to decrease the amount of rust and to add some height/normal details
merged from fire_extinguisher
Imported Standing Coat Hanger Textures and Models
Added and Setup Standing Coat Hanger Prop Prefab
Setup Standing Coat Hanger Material, Colliders and LODs
Updated the files of old_radio model
Updated textures of the microwave model
Added LODs to the microwave model
Updated textures for the microwave model
Added and Setup First Aid Cabinet Prop Prefab
LOD distance tweak on briefcase
Folding chairs / meshes, textures and prefabs
Added colliders, LODs, set prefabs, and updated the texturing for the metal briefcase models
Fixed UV scroll stretching due to precision issues in standard shader set
Added metal briefcase models
Small OldTV UV modifications to faciliate white noise effect.
TV prefab collider setup & lighting.
Bathtub prop / textures/ LODs / COL / prefabs
Applied glass_small to VintageWallClock
Updated prefabs and LODs values to the screwdrivers and suitcase models
Reduced screwdrivers texture resolution to 1024
Reduced suitcase texture resolution to 1024
Added LODs, colliders, and prefabs setup to suitcase models
Fallen water cooler variant
Updated LODS for Pipe Wrench and Spanners
Renamed Spanner Textures to match naming convention
Changed LODing Method on specific Spanners
Added LODs, colliders, and prefab setup to the screwdrivers
Added and Setup Spanner Props Prefab
Old TV: texture size tweaks, added off variant, fixed LOD script, slight emissive fresnel to emulate glass thickness
Proper static noise effect pending a small shader fix from D.
Water cooler and water jug meshes/prefabs/textures
Feedback fixes for the old tv
consistent fbx mesh data name
set layer to world
added the missing collision
adjusted culling distance
added prefab variants on/off