12 Commits over 61 Days - 0.01cph!
Store camera animations in Assets/CamRecordings
demo.stopRecordingCamera should now properly end the recording and allow another recording to begin in that session
Fixed playandrecordcamera failing if no params are provided
Playandrecordcamera and Playwithrecordedcamera will now only need an animation name if a demo is currently playing
demo.playandrecordcamera can now be used from within a demo once any other recording has finished (eg. finish recording take 1, use command again with a different filename to record take 2)
demo.playwithrecordedcamera can now be used from within a demo to switch between recordings for the currently playing demo (eg. switch between take 1, take 2 without having to go back to menu)
Add demo.playCameraAnimation and demo.stopPlayingCameraAnimation to play/stop recorded camera animations during a demo
Fixed not being able to record multiple camera animations in a single demo session
startRecordingCamera will now fail if a name isn't provided
Added demo.startrecordingcamera and demo.stoprecordingcamera to manually record camera movements to a file, not synced to a demo
Save the animation out if stopping mid-demo while using the PlayAndRecordCamera command
Fail gracefully if the animation file can't be found when using PlayWithRecordedCamera
Fix NRE in when disabling MainCamera
First pass on a system to record camera movements and properties to while playing a demo, then playing them back in sync with the demo on subsequent plays
Saves to an .anim file so it can be integrated with editor workflows