
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

Fix rotation of paste relative to admin seeming random - was sending a Quaternion which is serialized with spaces and breaks command parsing and being read as a default rotation Fix copybuilding not always working - was sending transform.position instead of eyePos so it was raycasting from the admin's feet and sometimes missing the target
Add using statement when client recieves paste from server to dispose protobuf
Send pastes from client -> server on a different channel so they don't block player ticks from being sent and cause packet flooding
Add support for each overload of ServerRPC to change what channel it's sent on - also fixed `SendMethod.Reliable` for each RPC not being sent assigned in SendInfo (it defaulted to reliable but best to fix)
Allow dashes and underscores in paste filename
Prompt users to use `--overwrite` if copying a paste will overwrite a local file Print out number of entities saved when a paste is saved to the client (stash from before the patch)
merge from main -> copy_paste_clientside_fixes
8 Days Ago
Add `loadclipboard` and `saveclipboard` commands
8 Days Ago
Allow `copybox`, `copyradius`, `copybuilding` and `paste` to skip name parameter to act like it's using a clipboard by using the filename `clipboard`