13 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
fix for foliage culling & placement seed
Fix for gpu foliage on xb1
[D11] Fixed Grass Normals
Fix for not using max biome in gpu foliage (multiple biome foliage types were getting mixed together)
[D11] - Updated Grass Meshes to reduce overdraw. Removed needless checkboxes from materials.
Put the GPU foliage placement on a define
A couple of small optimisations to the foliage compute shader
Only dispatch foliage jobs within camera frustum bounds
Fix for gpu foliage on ps4 (buffer stride was wrong).
Added more tuning console vars.
Improved foliage fade out
Added mesh pre-process step so it works on console
GPU foliage placement sort of working
Work in progress GPU foliage placement