
86 Commits over 28 Days - 0.13cph!

5 Years Ago
Update version to 2018.3.8f1
5 Years Ago
Upped version on FP's 4K server saves
5 Years Ago
Disable texture streaming on building blocks (until we have a better solution for instanced meshes)
5 Years Ago
Fix for MeshLODs not converting properly
5 Years Ago
Fix for multiple RendererLOD levels being active at once
5 Years Ago
Added missing meta files
5 Years Ago
Updated game manifest
5 Years Ago
fix for client+server config
5 Years Ago
Fix for missing bundle tags
5 Years Ago
Server fix
5 Years Ago
Merge from d11_console_version
5 Years Ago
Added some extra save data from facepunch
5 Years Ago
work in progress compute shaders for updating instancing lists
5 Years Ago
Added gib prefabs
5 Years Ago
ugh, ignore .vscode properly
5 Years Ago
Ignore .vscode folder
5 Years Ago
Reinstate the prefab warmup
5 Years Ago
Only batch the building blocks for now until the texture streaming issues are resolved
5 Years Ago
Updated pool sizes
5 Years Ago
Added some extra validation to SimplePrefabPool and made a fix for the last instance in the pool being broken on certain objects, e.g. scrap_searchlight_barrel
5 Years Ago
Added menu option to write out the dependencies of the instanced meshes
5 Years Ago
Fix for GPU culling on PS4
5 Years Ago
Don't dynamically spawn power lines
5 Years Ago
Instancing fixes (including ps4 frustum culling)
5 Years Ago
Fix for trying to dynamically spawn network entities
5 Years Ago
a couple of shutdown fixes
5 Years Ago
compile fix
5 Years Ago
Turn off texture streaming on instanced meshes (because the texture streamer has no way to know which mipmaps to stream in for these meshes)
5 Years Ago
Changed instancing stuff to store out the prefab instance info at build time. Switched back to using a D11InstanceRenderer for everything except building blocks for now.
5 Years Ago
Fixes for building block instanced mesh cleanup
5 Years Ago
instancing fix
5 Years Ago
Prevent RandomDestroy objects from being considered for instancing
5 Years Ago
world spawn fix
5 Years Ago
Tidied up world spawn pool and pool grouping stuff
5 Years Ago
Fix up pool mode 2 in D11WorldSpawn
5 Years Ago
Ensure RandomDestroy stuff doesn't end up in D11WorldSpawn (not safe to pool)
5 Years Ago
Make the ReverbZoneTrigger keep the ReverbZone component around
5 Years Ago
More work on instancing including support for decor patches and foliage and MaterialSetup
5 Years Ago
Changed GameManager and Prefab to use prefab IDs rather than strings
5 Years Ago
Fix for MeshLOD.PreProcess removing components that are being referenced
5 Years Ago
Fixes for MeshLOD preprocessing (wasn't deleting the original MeshRenderer or copying the MaterialSetup to children)
5 Years Ago
Generate gib prefabs into gibs folder
5 Years Ago
Moved gibbable prefab stuff into d11assetfiddler
5 Years Ago
Fix for D11DynamicInstancingGpu with unmodified unity (although probably still needs shader fixes)
5 Years Ago
Only preprocess batchable meshes on the client side
5 Years Ago
Add warnings if trying to change importer settings during play/build
5 Years Ago
Merge from d11_console_version
5 Years Ago
Merge with d11_console_version
5 Years Ago
Fix for procedural instancing instance ID on PS4
5 Years Ago
Add D11DynamicInstancingGpu component to camera