
42 Commits over 61 Days - 0.03cph!

4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Reverts the mips streamer to 800 till I can do some more tests.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Reduces PS4 garlic memory to 1650 and mips streaming budget to 450
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fixes 512 UI texture
4 Years Ago
[D11] More UI Texture fixes
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fixed UI textures
4 Years Ago
[D11] Adds asset fiddler script to fix UI textures that are larger on consoles than they are on PC
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fixes terrain heightmap optimisation (SERVER && ! CLIENT)
4 Years Ago
[D11] Adds SERVER to D11_CLIENT_PROCGEN check
4 Years Ago
[D11] Updates streaming texture flags on some textures, also adds back in terrain heightmap optimisation.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fix commandline
4 Years Ago
D11 Merge with main
4 Years Ago
Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] removes anti-hack snap/warp but leaves in the time sanity checks
4 Years Ago
[D11] latest anith cheat changes
4 Years Ago
[D11] latest anti-cheat changes
4 Years Ago
[D11] latest anti-cheat fixes
4 Years Ago
[D11] merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] latest anti cheat
4 Years Ago
[D11] latest anti hack
4 Years Ago
[D11] Bump network protocol
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Anti cheat based on velocity
4 Years Ago
[D11] Paul new anti-cheat code based on speed rather than distance. Not fully tested yet.
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge wtih main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Adds Matts ent cache changes
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Potential entity cache fix
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] adds convar to disable delayed entities (server side)
4 Years Ago
[D11] Renames world.networkcache to cliententitycaching ... somehow this change hasn't made it from 2019.1
4 Years Ago
[D11] Merge with main
4 Years Ago
[D11] Fixes ogd counter
4 Years Ago
[D11] Adds in a routine to display missing defines