
55 Commits over 31 Days - 0.07cph!

4 Years Ago
Clean up local cache of skeleton hierarchy after applying skins - cherry picked from FP's skeleton_optimizations branch
4 Years Ago
Updated asset fiddler to ignore editor and package folders
4 Years Ago
Build timing Ensure incremental il2cpp is enabled
4 Years Ago
Incremental GC + stepped forced collection at 380mb+
4 Years Ago
Added singlethreadmapdecode console var
4 Years Ago
oops, got the return values wrong
4 Years Ago
Added some extra debug checks to flif decoder
4 Years Ago
Multi-mesh renderer LOD conversion - MeshRenderer.mesh changes
4 Years Ago
[D11] workaround for foliage wind issues, removes most of the problem visually though isn't an actual fix yet.
4 Years Ago
Turn off printfs in libflif on xbone
4 Years Ago
Remove incorrectly merged population assets
4 Years Ago
Merge fix for PlantEntity.Server.AI
4 Years Ago
Fix for NaNs in sky on xb1 and fix shader warnings
4 Years Ago
Workaround for XB1 GPU crash (disable an optimisation in the decal stuff)
4 Years Ago
[D11] updated foliage billboard shader
4 Years Ago
[D11] workaround for transparent rocks - disable an optimization in the HDRP package whilst the investigation continues on the support ticket.
4 Years Ago
[D11] upgrade the foliage shaders again. Need to do this for the billboards as well, but this was just an attempt to fix the wind animation, but it doesn't fix it. Deleted some of the legacy cginc files but some of the others are still being included so will delete them as other stuff is updated.
4 Years Ago
revert a couple of prefabs which pulled in references to non-existent ambient sound lists, which seem to have been deleted from the main branch now anyway.
4 Years Ago
remove changed items list from buildinfo.json
4 Years Ago
[D11] selective cherry-picking from 39409, 39413, 40196 which had some key fixes for particle materials and shaders, plus some additional ad-hoc material updates from main branch latest, to fix some effects.
4 Years Ago
Fix HDG remote for 2019.3
4 Years Ago
Fix for HDG asmdefs
4 Years Ago
Use source code version of HdgRemoteDebug
4 Years Ago
[D11] fix for both cameras being enabled.
4 Years Ago
[D11] temporarily switch wire shader to avoid NaNs in framebuffer, still needs a proper HDRP friendly wire shader doing.
4 Years Ago
Fix misnamed assembly
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Ensure serializable fields are present in both client and server configurations so they don't get lost when importing prefabs with the wrong defines
4 Years Ago
take out frontend sound precache because it's crashing and it shouldn't really be necessary with the sound template prefabs in the startup bundle
5 Years Ago
New cache server setting
5 Years Ago
Put ui-sound.prefab in the startup bundle to avoid a loading stall
5 Years Ago
[D11] tweak Sun.cs fade constants a bit so it's not dull for so much of the dusk and dawn. Expose SunMaxLux since the Light's intensity can't be changed directly now as it's modulated in script.
5 Years Ago
[D11] Turn off (see notes) sun at night to prevent underside lighting problems. Fade out and turn off shadows towards horizons to prevent long shadow performance problems. A possible problem is that it gets a bit dull towards dusk; there are some tweakable parameters in the Sun component to control the fade start point and durations for both lux and shadow intensity.
5 Years Ago
delete junk plastic private.0 files
5 Years Ago
improved teamcity logging
5 Years Ago
Remove unused sound definition
5 Years Ago
Stop ASE from loading every imported asset to check if it might possibly be a shader template
5 Years Ago
Fix buildinfo script
5 Years Ago
private cleansing script
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
create build info script
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Added a more descriptive error message for failed GUIDToObject lookups
5 Years Ago
Added missing materials
5 Years Ago
Merged Jenkins fixes
5 Years Ago
remove some debug cruft
5 Years Ago
Fix for scene to prefab creating nested prefabs which was preventing instancing working on some objects
5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Fix for blurry player preview
5 Years Ago
Increase jenkins timeout and switch back to asset database v1 so the cache works again