
9 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!

2 Days Ago
Fixed full screen interaction blocker also blocking the main menu Fixed the record shot name input field resetting on ESC
2 Days Ago
Properly disable camera control when a shot finishes recording Loop button is now always visible and applies to the whole demo timeline, not just shots
2 Days Ago
Camera now gets mouse input at the start of the 3 second pre shot countdown, not after
2 Days Ago
Merge from main
8 Days Ago
Fixed loop option not being respected if it was enabled while switching between shots
8 Days Ago
Try/Catch GetDefaultNewShotName in the DemoShotUI, will fall back to a generic name suggestion
8 Days Ago
Fixed interaction blocker in demo playback UI not working when the UI is disabled
9 Days Ago
Select the folder name input field automatically after pressing the new folder button Allow spaces in shot and folder names Take camera control immediately when starting a shot recording
9 Days Ago
Show the bone that the debug camera is currently parented to in the demo info at the top of the screen