19 Commits over 0 Days - ∞cph!
split off bunny ears from hat and made bunny_ears_jigglebone parent for game object lod script to work with
rebaked bunny ears to look nicer and reworked jiggle bone script so they behave better
world model for bunny hat, better eye jitter stuff
Updated the easter abomination
█▄▆▍▋ ▇▋ ▌▌█▋█▆ ▍▄▅██▅▍▅▆▄▇. ▋██▄▉▄▋▆▊, ▍▆▇▊, ▉▍▍█▄▍ ▄▇▋▇█, ▇▉▇▆. ▋▇█▆▄ ▌▅▆▍▊ ▆▌▊█▋? ▆▊▋ █▌▉▅ ▉▅▆▍▍▍
Egg vision now displays correctly
faberge egg
anims, animator, worldmodel & deployed prefab updates
Scripts and flags setup for code based rotations
Tweaked Easter event timings
Egg_e prefab setup - missing animation
▉▄▄▊▉▅▍_▅▇▆_█ ▇▇▆▋ ▄▊▌▅▋▊█▉▆▄▇▋
▅█▅▌█▊▄_▄▍▄_▆ █▄▄▋▉█, ▊▉▉▊▋█▇▅ ▋▅▇ ▌▍▇▋▊▋▆▍▊